54 dogs rescued from animal control in 2024
‼️Since January of 2024 we have transferred 54 dogs into our care from animal control. That’s 54 lives that have been forever changed because of your support.💕
🙏🏼Please consider donating to Heal Animal Rescue, and helping us save more lives in 2025.
🐾Your donation, no matter the size, will have an impact on homeless animals in need of help.
💻Click the link below to make your donation. And on behalf of all the animals your donation will impact, THANK YOU for your generosity!❤️
#donate #animalsinneed #donatenow #donationsneeded #communitysupport #shelterdog #sheltercat #rescue KLN5339
🦃Two of our resident turkeys, Belle and Nick, enjoyed a Thanksgiving feast yesterday at our farm sanctuary.💕Turkeys are loving, sweet and gentle animals who deserve a life filled with love and respect just as any other animal.‼️Each year an estimated 46 million turkeys are killed for Thanksgiving. That’s 46 million lives lost as the result of one day. 🦃Belle and Nick are two of the lucky ones who will be shown love and kindness as they live out the rest of their lives at our sanctuary. #friendsnotfood #turkeyfreethanksgiving #turkey #farmsanctuary #farmsanctuarylife
🎃It’s pumpkin season and our farm sanctuary residents are loving it! 💕 #pumpkinseason #pumpkin #farmsanctuary #farmsanctuarylife #animalrescue KLN5339
‼️Since January we have saved the lives of over 40 animals, transferring them into our care from animal control. But many more need our help!🐾 Events like our upcoming Cash Bash make it possible for us to continue our life saving work. Join us October 19th for an evening filled with cash prizes, games of chance, basket raffles, 50/50 drawing and more! Order your tickets here ➡️ https://animalfriendswestmoreland.kindful.com/e/paws-for-a-cause-cah-bah Together we can make this event a huge success for the animals! #fundraiser #animalrescue #saveanimals #adoptdontshop #rescueanimals #allanimalsmatter KLN5339
Join us for our Paws for a Cause CA$H BA$H!💰Saturday, October 19, 2024$40 per person — Tickets include dinner, dessert, and 3 numbers to WIN CA$H! Tickets are on sale now! Grab yours via the link below! https://animalfriendswestmoreland.kindful.com/e/paws-for-a-cause-cah-bah . Your support of events like this help us continue to provide care to animals in need. 💙🤍
🐑Dale is our quality control inspector at our farm sanctuary, making sure our fruits and veggies are living up to his standards 🍌🍎🍉🥒🫛🥦 #sheep #farmsanctuary #farmsanctuarylife #bekindtoallanimals
🤩It’s not easy being a local celebrity, but Rhyann takes her public appearances very seriously. #pitbull #pitbullsofinstagram #pitbulllove #shelterdog #localcelebrity KLN5339
Franklin update
🐶It’s because of your support that we are able to help animals like Franklin in their time of need.
😔When Franklin was transferred into our care he was extremely malnourished and it was clear he had been neglected for quite some time.
🗓️Over these past several weeks we have helped him to gain over 15lbs, and he has transformed into a much happier and healthier version of himself. While he still has progress to make to restore his body to an ideal weight, he is well on his way to being healthy once more.
🎟️Our CA$H BA$H is October 19th, and proceeds from this event will help fund medical care for animals just like Franklin. Without your support of fundraisers like this event, we wouldn’t be able to step up for animals like this sweet and loving boy when they need us the most!
💰Please join us for a night of fun, games of chance, and cash prizes!
Tickets are on sale now at:
#fundraisingevent #fundraiser #communitysupport #supportagoodcause KLN5339
🤔Who did it better, crowing edition!🐓Dillinger (seen here) and Scuba Steve (in the distance) face off to see who has the best singing voice to wake our sanctuary residents up in the morning.😴#rooster #farmsanctuary #farmsanctuarylife #allanimalsmatter
🐷Alfie enjoying a mud bath on a hot summer day.
💕Alfie has been at our sanctuary for a little over a year now. In his former home he was being raised for slaughter, and kept in a pen that was in such deplorable conditions that he could barely stand up or lay down comfortably in his space.
🐖Now Alfie is happy, healthy, and loved as a resident of our farm sanctuary. He spends his afternoons exploring the pasture, and his nights cuddled up to his best friend William.
💻For more information on our sanctuary residents, as well as ways to become involved, please visit our website via the link in our bio.
#pigsarefriendsnotfood #farmsanctuary #pig
Scuba Steve!! 🐓 Steve and his friends are all residents of our farm sanctuary.🐖🐐🦃🐑🐄For more information on the animals who call our sanctuary home, as well as the work we do there, please visit our website!!💻#farmsanctuary #rooster #steve #allanimalsdeserverespect #bekindtoanimals #bantamrooster