The girls are eager to get the evening milk testing for the month of April completed.
The girls are eager to get the evening milk test completed for the month of April.
Goodbye Bottles🍼♥️🐐
Absolutely love this 24/7 feeder the husband built the bottle kids.
Exciting new travels for the herd & myself!! Just 18 days away😱🙌🏼 Let the craziness begin
There always seems to be ONE junior doeling that just has ”that voice”🫠👏🏻😅 Mini May (Maples doeling) seems to think show training is really me trying to kill her. Notice everyone else has fallen in line to waiting their turn patiently👏🏻☺️
Please tell me the kids that give you the most headaches grow up to be the best in the herd??
Of course these would be outta my best doe, SG (pending) Desert Bounty F Trouble 5*M VEVV87😬😒. I feel like I cursed myself naming her doeling Bad Habits…….
Out of all 22 kids born on property this year, it’s only these two little sh*ts who are fence jumpers.🤦🏼♀️
When the ultra sound screen looks like this it has me excited!! Desert Bounty F Sweet Talk has been confirmed pregnant, but we won’t get an official count until she’s a few more days into her pregnancy incase any are absorbed. Scanned a few other does as well just to confirm bred and I’m excited for the numbers each doe is carry so far. Stay tuned for an official count in a few weeks😉🙌🏼
Checkout our websites breeding plans!! Still have reservations open on some really amazing lines. We are a ADGA performance herd.
DesetHardt DI Vital Fame got her time on the stand this afternoon and a date with a pair of clippers.🌵🐐
Freeing up more time and not holding bottles feels kinda nice 😂 Here’s to 2021 of all the new things on this farm.
#bottlekids #adga #adgaperformanceprograms #adgaperformanceherd #dhia #milktesting #nigeriandwarfgoats #babygoats
Update: it was a slightly eventful kidding. This buckling was a singleton and was a sure chunk. Had to assist with pulling him, but everyone’s doing good.
Desert Bounty F Trouble X
Desert Bounty NB Neau My Name *B
I’m currently getting WAY more milk then I know what to do with!! So every so often I don’t mind sharing some with Rumple the potbellied pig. Of course he only gets a bit because he’s gotta watch his figure!!
#deserthardtdairygoats #potbellypig #potbellypigs #potbelliedpigs #potbelliedpig #rumplepigskin #farm #hobbyfarm #petpig #arizonafarm #countryliving #farmlife #farmlifeisthebestlife #yumaarizona #yumaaz
The girls got some new toys added to their pen today!!! Now to get their pen remodeled and organized. Also got a few for our new kid pen.