Hi all!
Jan Casey is teaching Basic Manners that will get you started on the right paw towards your Canine Good Citizen. Class starts Jan 5 at 1:30, 6 weeks for $150. Please contact Maren at [email protected] to register
Laura Bussing wishes everyone a joyous holiday and hope to see some of you in my upcoming workshops and group classes at Keegan's Magic in Zephyrhills. Descriptions of classes are at the bottom of this email along with a link to Register online.
Workshop Openings $140/working (max 6):
January 18 - 8:30am to 12pm FLOW like a PRO - 2 spots
January 18 - 1:00pm to 4:30pm RING Impulse Control - 3 spots
Group Classes beginning January 6th for 6 weeks (max 5-6)
Mondays 5:30-6:30pm - READY TO COMPETE - 3 spots
Mondays 6:30-7:30pm - ENGAGEMENT for Distracted Dogs - 3 spots
Flow like a PRO - Get your smooth groove on with no rushing, just trusting your dog. I will break down handling into small pieces to develop flow and smoothness resulting in overall better teamwork. Smooth is fast and fast is smooth! Discover how to truly see commitment in your dog and develop dog skills for obstacle focus. I’ll help you increase your connection on course so that you don’t have to rush. Rushing can cause off courses, refusals, bars and frustrated dogs. We will also discuss the mental side of course walking and planning your handling so you can flow better than ever! This seminar is suitable for handlers of all levels and dogs that can sequence jumps and tunnels.
Ring Impulse Control - Is your dog a little crazy in and around the agility ring? Does your dog have start line issues? Problems controlling itself in high energy environments? This seminar is for you! We will work on developing focus & engagement inside and outside of the ring for hyped up and over-aroused dogs. We will find a starting point for success in each individual dog with arousal control games that you'll practice in the seminar and be able to replicate at home and in your classes. It takes time to harness impulse control but you need to know where to start! Suitable for all excitable dogs that need to find their thinking brain.
READY TO COMPETE (Group Class) - Polishing skills for competition for young/new dogs that just started competing or are getting close to being ring ready. Start and End Routines will be a focus and also environment skills like horns, whistles, leash runners, ring crew and judge. We'll also make sure your dog is ready to go for contacts and weaves.
ENGAGEMENT Skills for Distracted Dogs - Is your dog or puppy having trouble focusing on you? This class is for you! Get ready to harness your dog's focus and build your teamwork to a new level. We will meet each team at their level and work to develop a higher level of engagement outside and inside the ring for agility training. This class is for all dogs that do agility and for puppies that are over 5 months.
Click below to register
Warmest Woofs,
Laura Bussing,CPDT-KA, CCFT
Canine Culture, LLC