BSE (Breeding Soundness Exam) time is upon us.
At AVS, we recommend testing every bull in your herd to ensure the best possible calf crop in 2025! Our veterinary staff recommends testing bulls at least 30-60 days before turn-out. This allows time for a retest examination on deferred animals or time to find a replacement bull if one does not meet the recommended BSE standards.
A breeding soundness exam takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and includes a scrotal circumference measurement (which is directly related to s***m production), s***m motility count (how many s***m are moving progressively), and s***m morphology count (how many s***m are normal in appearance). The bull will also be assessed for body condition, feet and leg conformation, and any other physical abnormalities present.
This is also a fantastic time to update yearly vaccinations, provide internal and external parasite control, and apply ear tags. We have a scale so you can monitor the weight of your bull each year.
For more information on the economic impact of performing a BSE on bulls, please visit the extension webpage link below. In a year like this, you can’t afford to give up any opportunity to achieve a higher weaning weight in your calves.
Please contact our office staff to request an appointment! 507-732-7338 calls or text accepted.
Learn the components of a bull breeding soundness exam and why this practice is essential to every cow-calf operation.