Question Monty Roberts.
I have a question for Monty regarding my horse Ted. Ted is a rescue and we have finally developed effective communication and a beautiful partnership. I have noticed a correlation with his defensiveness re-emerging at very specific times. It is related with his needing to urinate. I understand how this discomfort makes him edgy, as a nurse. He will only urinate in his paddock. I assume it is related to safety and he loathes splashing of his feet, he's an incredibly neat horse.
I knew race track trainers at Golden Gate Fields that used to train horses to urinate pre-race or pre-exercise by whistling but have absolutely no idea how to train for this. I'm hoping you have some guidance and recommendations. I have attended the last 3 consecutive years of The Movement and am in awe of your innate ability to hear the horses and meet their needs. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!
Warmest regards,
Melanie Sheaves
This is an area I have become very familiar with particularly through the racing industry. You are probably not aware of the fact that in Argentina the Thoroughbred race horses are never allowed to urinate in their stable. It is a unique industry with responsible people living nearby for every three or four horses that they are in charge of. Questioning these men, I learned that they train the horses to urinate only in a container on a stick. This is a very nice way to keep the stalls dry and these men have learned how to train the horse to use the container 3-4 times per day with precise timing. This is an extreme condition that isn't necessary with pleasure horses.
So far as training the horse to urinate on the whistle, one must first realize that his feet need to be in the proper area so as to decrease splashing. Watch for the tell-tale pausing of the horse and stretching with the front feet that is normal. When this occurs, ride or lead to the soft area and begin the whistling before there is urine being passed. The two factors, soil and whistle, will bring about urination in almost every case. It isn't a major mistake to miss it by a little bit but gradually you will learn how to line up these idiosyncrasies so as to cause urination which is predictable.
Whistling is effective as it sounds like water meeting water. You could whistle for your horse but there are more habit related activities than simply whistling. Activity, exercise and time is essential to habituate urination. Ride your horse for the period of time that is normal for you. Moderate exercise is a good way to build for the onset of urination. If one has an area which discourages splashing it is a good thing. A mound of sound will do the job under normal circumstances. A couple of wheel barrel loads of sand will often do the trick. As soon as your horse feels the cushion under his feet and hears your whistle, he is likely to urinate.
After each race in America, there is a urinalysis on each of the horses in competition. A portion of each urination is captured in a container by a veterinarian. It is then analyzed so that any drugs in the system would be exposed in the urine collected. Most people don't realize that this goes on after each race, but I have been there and watched it many times. Naturally this is right after pretty extreme exercise and generally calls upon the urination process by giving small amounts of water during the cooling out process. The horse will then begin to stretch out while walking and let them know that it's time to make their collection.
You will probably be the best friend of whomever cleans your stall. If you play with this theory you will be meeting the needs of your horse as well. The reason he chooses the stabling area is that it probably is the loose dirt factor telling him that the urine is not going to hit a hard surface and splash upon his legs. He is obviously a neat character and will be grateful for his own sand mound if you choose to follow these directions I have outlined. It is so gratifying to me to learn that their are horse owners out there that are interested enough to learn the what the horses need, thank you for that.
Monty Roberts