Hi Guys
Here is a video of Freedom eating and chilling this week...
**** UPDATE ****
Some of you guys know i was offered to move him last week to Cairo to go live on a horse farm .... the lady who offered showed me videos of her place and the horses look happy, free and well fed ..
The problem is it would be a 12 hour truck ride for freedom, he would need to be castrated at the other end and the lady wanted US $200 a month to keep him there .. I am still thinking a little bit about it but it would be hard for me to organise and have him moved without being there to move him myself so i am not sure although Id love to see him running with other horses ..
I am still trying to get better food for him and send more money but Rhianna has dropped out of contact for 9 week now and I am having a very stressful time figuring out how to communicate with her friend who has Freedom without her ..
been quite upsetting time actually .. as I really needed a period of feeing at Peace about freedom .. but anyway I am doing my best . .I still have funds for him for a few more months .. as these guys don't ask for money .... but the comms are getting me down.
Sorry for not fantastic news but hope you enjoy seeing him anyway.
With deepest and sincere gratitude again for all the support i have received over this .. .###
Freedom Rides Again !!!!!
OMG Guys . I am so happy to see Freedom run again after being told he was crippled and worthless 6 months ago ...
He just looks so unbelivably happy when he is running !!!!!!
Born to Run ... !!!!
not drag a bloody tourist cart around in the heat ....
enjoy !!!!
Thaks to Sayed ... his caregiver and riding him here ...
You guys are going to love this ...
LOVE the Horsey SNORTS !!!
I love to hear his Whinney!
He is very vocal and is always whinneying . .he has a very strong voice being a part Arab... so funny.
Swollen ankle from being ridden too hard
UPDATES !!!!!!
so this week freedom had a saddle on his back again, and the new carer put his son on him. They only walked him just to see what he was like, but I was told he was a very good boy, very well behaved.
This video is from three months ago when I was told his ankle is broken and he would never be able to run again. I was, basically told "He could have been worth a lot of money but now he's worthless"
It was very upsetting, especially to be told he would never run again.
Although the last carers ran him WAY too hard, too soon, some of the videos of him running through the town or desert, made me laugh because he just looks so goddamn happy when he is running and was so so fast
This is the first time he has probably ever run in his life. He was young-ish when I got him, only about three years old, so it stands to reason that he's never run before - all he knew before was boiling hot, chains, whips and pulling, heavy tourists around in the sun.
So I was very happy to hear this week that they're starting to move him again, they're going very slow with him, he just walked the other day, but there's no swelling in his ankle any more and he's not limping so I'm hoping that this really bad video from a few months ago was just because he was run too fast too soon.
Anyway, it's good news, he's beautiful animal, as you can see, and my biggest dream for freedom is that he would become a riding horse.
Keep you posted!!
Freedom running with young Adam
Adam running Feeedon in for the camera
Freedom is running everyday now
You have no idea what it is lie for me to see him running
His last rehabilitation stable told me over and over they weren’t sure if he would be ridden or not and they needed to go slow training him
It was agony for me just seeing him tied up and knowing he wasn’t being exercised much when I wasn’t around
When I went back to him last November I found him with over grown toe nails in a stable eating old sugar cane rusks and he was emaciated again
That’s when I just went “ f**k it “
And moved him.
It was another huge drama as the woman taking him had asked some Egyptians to help her and they were all claiming they owned freedom and didn’t want me to walk him.
It became all about possession and ownership rather than helping a poor horse
Young Adam was with me that day and he seemed very gentle and kind with freedom He wanted to touch him but the other family wouldn’t let him.
They ran him behind a donkey car whilst chatting on the phone and it even watching
I got super angry. Took freedom back and walked him myself (three hours ) I was kid of stuck because I needed a new home for him but adams dad offered his stable
I was super skeptical. People in that village are known for telling tall stores and promises but the stable is actually lovely
In the end I told all the others to get lost and I put freedom in the stable with young Adam and his dad
They seem to love horses and all their other animals are happy
It was tough for me because it meant freedom is still my responsibility and I will have to do another fund raise for him in two months I find fundraising a bit challenging
But it will takes time to get this family to understand that I want freedom to become a trail horse and earn some of his own money. He loves to run
But I am so happy to see him happy and with strong muscles. This is the fist time he has run in his life
Freedom getting a Shower Today by the Nile in Egypt.