Relax and enjoy thirty seconds of zen from one of our tanks 🐠 ••• Creatures featured in this video: Silver Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare var. ‘Silver’), Gold Medaka Ricefish (Oryzias latipes var. ‘Gold’), Black Medaka Ricefish (Oryzias latipes var. ‘Black’), Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) ••• Plants featured in this video:Dwarf Lily (Nymphaea stellata), Crypt Retrospiralis (Cryptocoryne retrospiralis), Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus) ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #fish #thirtysecondsofzen #angelfish #ricefish #medaka #guppy #dwarflily #cryptocoryne #javafern #smallbusiness #minneapolis
Relax and enjoy thirty seconds of zen from one of our tanks 🦈 ••• Creatures featured in this video: Roseline Shark (Sahyadria denisonii), Red-tail Shark (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor), Albino Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus var. ‘Albino’), Albino Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher var. ‘Albino’), Celebes Rainbow (Marosatherina ladigesi) ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #fish #fishkeeping #thirtysecondsofzen #shark #smallbusiness #minneapolis
We got plants, and we’d love for you to get them too! Head into Rivershore today to check out our fresh batch of live plants waiting to join your dream aquascape! We’re open 11am-7pm every day but closed Tuesday’s #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #fish #plantedtank #liveplants #smallbusiness #minneapolis #danpoppedoffwiththesechoices
Tuesday’s Tank Tip is one of Dan’s favorite tricks: when in doubt of how to hardscape a tank, make ‘The Archway’ and build from there! ••• ‘The Archway’ makes a strong focus point for any tank, and it’s very easy to move it around, attach plants to, and place plants near to make a quick hardscape that looks awesome! ••• Head in to Rivershore this week to plan or get help planning your newest hardscape! ••• Creatures in this video: Drapefin Barb (Oreichthys crenuchoides), Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi), Black Neon Tetra (Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi), Porkchop Rasbora (Trigonostigma espei), Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #plantedtank #fish #hardscape #aquascape #inspo #fishlife #dansfavoritetrick #tuesdaytanktips #smallbusiness #minneapolis
Today’s Five Fish Facts are about a genus we must discuss: the Discus! Here are their facts: ••• 1. Discus fall under the Cichlid family, and, much like their cousin the Angelfish, they have a ‘flattened’ body shape when compared to most other fish in their family. Discus will grow up to 8 inches in length, prefer their water temperature around 82°F, and like a pH between 6.5-7.0. ••• 2. Discus can be found naturally in the Amazonas region of the world in a range from clearwater to whitewater to blackwater. They prefer low-current water, so stray from a powerful output on the filter in their tank. ••• 3. As many in the Cichlid family do, Discus actively raise their young. A mucus from the parents’ skin is what the fry use to feed until they are old enough to hunt for themselves. This level of care makes Discus have a very high fry survival rate per spawn. ••• 4. The Discus are naturally peaceful—more so than most ‘peaceful’ cichlids. They do prefer being in a school but will pair off and separate from the group during breeding season. Because of this separation from the group, it is recommended to have at least a 75 gallon tank if keeping more than a pair of Discus to make sure the pairs have a safe space. ••• 5. The Discus’ common name derives from the disc-shaped body they have, but their scientific name is Symphysodon. There are three species widely recognized under the genus Symphysodons, with those three being S. aequifasciatus, S. discus, and S. tarzoo (brown, red, and green). Two other species will likely be added to the genus, with those being S. haraldi and the Xingu Group (blue and gold). ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #plantedtank #fishkeeping #fish #discus #symphysodon #cichlid #funcolors #itsgivingkaleidoscope #fridayfivefishfacts #smallbusiness #minneapolis
Did you know that Rivershore Aquariums has the largest selection of live, aquatic plants in the Twin Cities area? ••• Head into the store this weekend to see the fresh batch of plants coming in! ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #plantedtank #fish #aquascape #aquaticplants #liveplants #plants #smallbusiness #minneapolis
It’s Tuesday, so that means it’s time for a tank tip!
To get the most out of your tank, consider getting at least one of each type of swimmer: top, middle, and bottom. This will promote activity throughout the whole water column and make fish feel comfortable in their space!
What would your dream fish be for each level of the water column?
#rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #plantedtank #fish #smallbusiness #minneapolis #fishkeeping #tuesdaytanktips #watercolumn #swimmers #themoreyouknow
Tuesday’s Tank Tips | Three Layers of Swimmers
It’s Tuesday, so that means it’s time for a tank tip! ••• To get the most out of your tank, consider getting at least one of each type of swimmer: top, middle, and bottom. This will promote activity throughout the whole water column and make fish feel comfortable in their space! ••• What would your dream fish be for each level of the water column? ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #plantedtank #fish #smallbusiness #minneapolis #fishkeeping #tuesdaytanktips #watercolumn #swimmers #themoreyouknow
It’s Dan’s turn to show five fish he would want to bring home if he had the tank space! ••• Head in to Rivershore this weekend to check out these five fish in person! ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #plantedtank #orangeminibeecatfish #dwarfanchorcatfish #pearlscalegoldfish #pantadonbutterflyfish #farlowellacatfish #catfish #goldfish #butterflyfish #favorites #danpoppedoffwiththisone #didsomeonesaycatfish #smallbusiness #minneapolis
Tuesday’s Tank Tips #1
Welcome to Tuesday’s Tank Tips! This week: heaters 🌡️ ••• Most freshwater tropical fish like temperatures between 68°-82°F, with an ideal average being 76°F. While this means fish will tolerate typical room temperatures, most will feel best with a heater maintaining their environment at or around 76°. ••• Saltwater fish and corals require temperatures of 76°-82°F, so they will need a heater preferably set to the middle ground of 79°F. ••• Featured in this video is the Aquatop 200 Watt Submersible Heater which is one of many types and sizes of heaters we carry. Stop in this week to learn more about heating your aquarium and finding the right heater for your setup! ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #fish #plantedtank #heater #heatedtank #freshwater #saltwater #aquatop #sicce #fluval #aqueon #smallbusiness
Did you know that if you buy 6 or more of a schooling fish that you’ll get 10% off of that school? Considering trying it out with these Wapoga ‘Red Laser’ Rainbows or another schooling fish that you love! We are open every day 11am-7pm except Tuesday. ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #plantedtank #schoolingfish #whatadeal #wapogarainbow #rainbowfish #discount #smallbusiness
Relax and enjoy 30 seconds from one of our tanks. ••• Featured in this video: Fantail Goldfish, Oranda Goldfish, Pearlscale Goldfish, Ranchu Goldfish ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #goldfish #plantedtank #fantail #oranda #pearlscale #ranchu #peaceful #relax #pearlscaleorpingpongball #smallbusiness