Fun times, Clawcy likes his new sister, she has a mind of her own, and is a prissy little thing.
Callie is bat s crazy times 10, more than Clawcy ever was.
Panther on the prowl, torturing those worms who call themselves veterinarians. An eye for an eye. #declawingiscruelty #declawvetsaremonsters
For #veterinarians who #declaw #cats. This is for you.
I am on the hunt for monsters (declaw veterinarians). I will sniff them out and show them what cats think about their evil hands.
I have been stalking a snake with legs (declaw veterinarian). Only a matter of time, cats are smart and patient.
I am a black jaguar on the hunt. Could that be a reincarnated declaw veterinarian? We will never know. #JaguarOnTheHunt #ClawcyHuntsEvil #DeclawingIsEvil
Crazy baby got a new toy today.
I am in a food coma, watching a movie, while the dogs wait for their dinner to cool. I am a pain free kitty, I will never be declawed. #PainFreeKitty #ClawcyHasClaws
Date does not matter, how many dumped declawed cats meet a similar fate that is not documented. Full text in comments.
I would never hurt Honeydew, if he was in danger, he would have flown to his perch.
Caught in the act! I have MY claws! I am a happy kitty who does not live in silent pain like my sisters did because my human did not take me to the monster down the street called 'declaw veterinarian' to have my paws tortured (all 10 claw bones amputated at the first knuckle). The studies in the JFMS prove ALL DECLAWED CATS SUFFER. Just because a veterinarian declaws cats does not make it a good thing, lobotomies used to be common too. Pain and adverse behavior in declawed cats---
Tuxie kits are krazy, lol.