Hooves are an amazing part of the equine anatomy. Not only do they have many functions and capabilities, but they also provide us with a holistic view of our horses health and can tell us whether we are on track with their needs. Hoof care rarely ever just involves trimming and in general other aspects of the horse's life need addressing and balancing to grow strong and healthy hooves. My goal is
to work closely with the owner and the horse to design a holistic hoof care program that involves:
Trimming - Individualising the trimming approach and trimming cycle for each horse with the aim of restoring the foot to it’s natural form and function. Diet - Promoting a natural diet and correcting any nutritional imbalances with the help of the science of Equine Nutrition. Movement and Biomechanics - Evaluating how the horse is moving and how it may be affecting the body and hooves, and ensuring the horse is moving as comfortable as possible. Correct movement can have amazing healing effects! Environment and Management - Advising on possible changes that could be made in the horse’s environment and management to bring them closer to biologically correct horse keeping conditions. This makes for happier, healthier and calmer equines. Temporary Protection Devices - Providing hoof boot fittings. Hoof boots work brilliantly at protecting hooves on unfamiliar terrain and protecting internal structure during the rehabilitation and the shod-to-barefoot transition period. I aim to always listen to the horse and use feedback from owner to ensure progress in the right direction.I also believe it’s important to collaborate and work with other Equine Professionals as part of your horse’s health care team. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for more details, advice and support, or to make an appointment! About Me
My name is Jade Martin and my desire to learn about hoof care started purely as an owner wanting to know more about her horses health and wellbeing to be better equipped to make informed decisions about their management. I did a bunch of reading and research, a few great weekend trimming workshops with the Wild About Hooves team, and spent an eye-opening few days observing the Central Australian Desert brumbies and I was hooked. I am now currently completing my training as a Certified Australian Hoofcare Practitioner and am also completing a Bachelor of Equine Science. In the future I plan to constantly expand my knowledge in all fields of natural horse care and management and use this knowledge out in the field to help our horses thrive in domestic conditions, naturally!
‘Born Free’ pays homage to a philosophy rather than a method. The philosophy that we can help our horses thrive in domestication by providing them with biologically correct horse keeping conditions and fulfilling their essential natural needs.