Tonight (Saturday) from about 3.30pm to 8.30pm (Enough time to get to the Rugby). Doors will be fully closed at 9pm.
Trick Or Treat (Come buy a specially marked bucket from us and get a syringe with it and spray the shops if they do not want to give you sweets.)
Haunted Area (This area is open this year and it's FREE if you buy a bucket from us otherwise only R10)
Best Dressed Contest (Free to Enter. Come anytime to the music stand and we will look out for you. Lots of prizes for kids, adult prize, best couple, best family) - Prizegiving at 7pm.
Treasure Hunt with prizes (Free to Enter) - Report to the music stand at 6.30pm
Free Entrance to the market. Pets Welcome
28 Benoni Road, Benoni AH (Corner of Estate Road) (Same place we have it every year)