Paws Abilities Benoni.
General information about our Daycare/Enrichment programme.
Please note that not all dogs are suitable for our daycare/enrichment programme. This service is provided at our discretion. Please do not hesitate to contact me for advice & guidance if you have any questions.
Each dog (or family’s dogs) is allotted their own secure Daycare camp with a brick, weather-proof structure, to provide shade and protect them from the elements during their rest times.
Advance booking is essential, and booking can be made for one day a week, or more. Fee structure is available on inquiry and subsequently payable monthly in advance.
What our Daycare Enrichment Programme is about:
Our programme has been specifically developed for dog to enrich their lives.
We encourage and help dogs to utilise all five of their senses, (Sensory development)
We assist dogs to develop confidence, & meet their physical, emotional, & intellectual needs.
Namely: -
Touch – To promote tactile confidence, helping dogs to cope with, & adapt to different textures & surfaces etc.
Smell – Dogs have highly developed olfactory systems, that is far superior to humans. This is most dogs’ primary method of exploration, and a vital part of exploration, aiding in concentration and problem-solving skills. These kind of adventure/sniffari’ walks have also been proven to lower the dog’s cortisol levels, thus aiding to reduce stress and encourage calmness.
Taste - Closely linked to smell or scent – this part of enrichment, and aids to develop healthy exploration etc.
Sight - While many suburban dogs are confined behind high walls, visual stimulation is another vital part of enrichment, exploration, and confidence building.
Sound - Suburban dogs do not generally have exposure to ‘country’ sounds. We are blessed to have a variety of animals in proximity to our grounds, (horses, goats, sheep, poultry etc.) This helps with socialisation, or ‘life skills’ when dogs are gradually, and gently exposed to this form of stimuli etc.
Physical exercise
Moderate physical exercise is promoted to ensure health and wellbeing. However, in some cases, ‘over-exercising a dog physically’ to get him physically tired, can
have the reverse affect, and backfire, as the exercise stimulates certain chemicals in the brain, increasing cortisol levels, and adrenaline etc., We therefore rather encourage calm, ‘zen type’ activities as well as lots of free, exploration time in our large, secure dog park areas.
Too much exiting, and extreme exercise actually ‘amps-up’ a ‘would be’, calm dog. Therefore, our day is highly structured as follows.
Physical; Several off-leash adventures a day, in one of our large, (fully secure) dog park areas. These are conducted individually, with one dog at a time.
Access to a large canine swimming pool, for paddling and swimming.
Access to our dog cross-country course
Access to many different areas to encourage exploration, sniffing and gentle exposure to different textures, objects, things, and environments.
Access to suitable equipment from our canine fitness programme
Basic fun activities, such as fetch, chewing and digging.
Rest and ‘quiet’ time, where dogs are encouraged during the hot part of the day, to relax and chill in their allotted camp and rest.
Games and puzzle time – to encourage problem solving, and life skills.
Company and attention
Encouraging dogs to attempt new activities.
We do not allow the dogs at Daycare to play loose together in groups (commonly called ‘free play’) unless they have a pre-existing relationship and even then, any ‘free play’ would be strictly micro-supervised.
ONLY dogs with a pre-existing relationship, or dogs that are compatible from the same household will be allowed to play together, and then, it would entail our strict supervision. Dogs at Daycare are sometimes (temperament permitting) allowed to interact between the safety of a fence.
However, we take extra precautions with ANY dogs that are reactive toward other dogs, and do not encourage fence charging or fence fighting).
Our prime concern is for the safety and well-being of your dog.
Therefore, our job is to ensure that your dog is never put in a position where the environment is too stimulating for your dog and/or where he could have a negative experience, be it within the environment or with another dog.
Daycare is about having fun, building confidence, & doing lots of ‘fun dog’ stuff!
While we do not structure Daycare around training, we often find ourselves teaching your dog to do new things, whether it be platform work, body work, navigating obstacles, or leash work - simply because we enjoy it, and it is mentally stimulating for your dog!
For more information give me a shout on WhatsApp 082 890 0905 or email me on [email protected]