The Judges will award marks for each movement of the test in a range of 10 to 0.
The scale of marks is as follows:
10 - Excellent
9 - Very good
8 - Good
7 - Fairly good
6 - Satisfactory
5 - Marginal
4 - Insufficient
3 - Fairly bad
2 - Bad
1 - Very bad
0 - Not executed
“Not executed” means that no element of the required movement has been performed.
Where marks of below 6 are awarded, Judges are obliged to record the reason why the
mark was given next to the movement on the test sheet.
All half marks from 0.5 to 9.5 may be used for movements and collective marks.
In the case of one Judge, the points are added up to give the competitor's score. In the case of two or more Judges, the totals are added together to give the competitor's score and a percentage calculated.
Penalty points are deducted from each individual Judge’s total.