Groenvlei Perd en Ruiterpark

Groenvlei Perd en Ruiterpark Dressage Facility and Stable Yard in Bloemfontein

Excellence is a process, not a destination.Success is an event, but excellence is a way of life. Success means hitting y...

Excellence is a process, not a destination.
Success is an event, but excellence is a way of life. Success means hitting your targets-wins, trophies, status. But excellence is about showing up daily with a relentless focus on getting better.
Success is about the end result; excellence is about the journey.
Success is what you get; excellence is who you become. Success is the destination, and excellence is the process that gets you there.
Here’s the key difference: success is temporary, but excellence lasts. Success might give you a moment of glory, but excellence builds a foundation for continued growth. When you focus only on results, you miss the chance to develop the habits that bring long-term success. Excellence is about giving your best every day, regardless of the outcome. When you focus on excellence, success will naturally follow as the byproduct.

📕Daily Wisdom

The rider’s position and seat is a living breathing statement of our intention towards the horse. Either a valued partne...

The rider’s position and seat is a living breathing statement of our intention towards the horse. Either a valued partner or a sporting instrument.

- While a rider can become very successful without acquiring a proper position and seat, they can never become good.

- It only takes time, intent, humility, and patience. 😉As quoted by Denny Emmerson ⬇️

- Former many-time gold medal-winning USET coach Jack LeGoff used to say that having an independent seat, one that allowed you to sit without bouncing, was not an indication that you were a good rider. Jack said that having an independent seat ALLOWED you to BECOME a good rider. It was an entry-level basic for so much else, soft elastic arms and hands, fine-tuned balance, security, feel, oneness with the horse’s movements

🐴 Callaho Bohemia owned by Runé Edeling

Razdi Pick Me Ever so often, greatness happens not because it was destined to be. Not because of some innate talent, or ...

Razdi Pick Me

Ever so often, greatness happens not because it was destined to be. Not because of some innate talent, or incredible ability.

Once in a while, greatness happens because of a quiet belief, a wild imagination, and an utter disregard for what should be possible.

In an equestrian partnership, you need equal parts confidence and humility to make such an unlikely outcome happen.

Confidence that you can make anything work, and the humility to always put the horse before your goals.

The partnership between Lané and Pick Me, had exactly that. And it culminated in the most unlikely greatness


The Youth Dressage scene in SA changed dramatically around the time Pick Me was born on the Razdi stud farm in the Northern Cape. Parents began importing well-schooled, quality dressage horses from Europe for their children to ride. At the same time, the quality of SA-bred horses also improved dramatically.
The individual SA Dressage Championships became a very competitive affair. Every gold medal was won by hugely talented, mostly imported, well-schooled horses. Every once in a while adult riders “borrowed” their senior championship horses for Juniors to ride. It became very clear: if you want to be competitive on the Youth scene, find yourself a damn good horse.

Whilst the Dressage scene changed dramatically, Pick Me grew up in the Northern Cape. Right off the bat, he was adamant about doing life his way. Born as one of a twin, Pick Me never really grew, he was destined to be a pony, but then grew one cm too big to reach 15 hands on the dot. He also wasn’t blessed with big paces or much elasticity. Pick Me would have made a brilliant pony… only he never got the cute and cuddly personality either 😂

By the time Pick Me was sold to 9-year-old Lané Laubscher to ride, he had enjoyed a successful Children’s career. Coached by Jaco Fourie, Lané quickly moved through the levels with Pick Me, winning the SA CH open Championships numerous times. The Children category suited Pick Me, he didn’t have to compete against big moving horses, and the level capped at PR Medium was doable.

When Lané started high school in BFN, Pick Me and her other pony Cosmic moved to GPR. High school also coincided with Lané having to move out of the Children category into Juniors. Where all the high quality big, moving horses competed.

I remember riding Pick Me for the first time, getting off, and telling Johane that I had no idea how on earth we were going to get this small moving, inelastic overgrown pony through a JNR Medium test. He also had a non-existent left-to-right flying change. Later that day I heard his stable nickname was “Stokkie” apparently because he was so stiff😂 Johane just turned around and told me “Remember you said dressage is for the horse, the horse isn’t for dressage”
Ok, challenge accepted.

Fortunately, I quickly came to realize, that what Pick Me lacked in ability, he made up for in heart. No one ever told Pick Me what he should and should not be able to do. He made me think of the Little Engine Who Could. Paired with a rider (and mother!) who had the absolute best blend of belief in their “pony” while never putting any undue pressure on him, he flourished. Pick Me always got what Pick Me needed. We just trained the basics. If what he offered coincided with a big championship, great. If not, we kept training the basics.
By the time the end of the year came around, Pick Me and Lané had won the DSA Challenge, the SA Medium Freestyle Championships, and Sanesa National Medals.

Then, we decided to try our hand at Advanced, with the FEI Jnr Individual test at the SA Youth Championships as the major focus point. Pick Me relished the technical aspects of the FEI tests, and with Lané’s brilliant attention to detail, we started to put together a pretty decent test.

At the SA Youth Championships held at Shongweni, everything just seemed to come together for Pick Me and Lané. They came second in the qualifier, won the team event with the FS team, and then rode the most impeccable test to win the Individual South African Junior Dressage Championships.

After which Pick Me and Lané went on to win 3 more Gold Medals at the Sanesa Nationals in Advanced. Pick Me then topped all of the above, winning the FS Jnr PSG Championships held at Bains Equestrian Park. Their PSG debut, and Pick Me’s retirement.

As always, putting their horse first, the Laubscher family decided to retire Pick Me while he was still as fit and sound as can be, at the absolute peak of his career.

It’s been a privilege to be a part of this unique horse’s journey. Thank you Pickels💙 thank you Lané, and thank you, Tania.

FS Dressage Champs 2024The absolute highlight of our show calendar. FS Champs held at Bains Equestrian Park The show wit...

FS Dressage Champs 2024

The absolute highlight of our show calendar. FS Champs held at Bains Equestrian Park

The show with the best organization, the most beautiful venue, amazing sponsorship, and consistently some of the best judges from around the country.

Team GPR had a fantastic show😎


🏆Janie Deysel and Sahara GPR: PR Prelim Champion
🥇PR Prelim Freestyle Champion

🏆 Zuri Wessels and Mystique Nayla GPR: PR Elementary Champion
🥈PR Elementary Freestyle

🏆 Chloë du Toit and CuChullian Kalira: CH Novice Champion
🥇CH Novice Freestyle Freestyle Champion

🏆 Lané Laubscher and Lemax Cosmic: PR Medium Champion (PR FEI)
🥇 PR Medium Freestyle Champion (PR FEI)

🏆Caro Nel and Berghof Florestar GPR: Jnr Novice Champion
🥇 Jnr Novice Freestyle Champion

🏆 Nieve Armour and Mossandi Rockstar GPR: Jnr Elementary Champion
🥇Jnr Elementary Freestyle Champion

🏆Dané Laubscher and Callaho Benedict: Jnr Medium Champion
🥇 Jnr Medium Freestyle Champion

🏆Lané Laubscher and Razdi Pick Me: Jnr PSG Champion
🥇Jnr PSG Freestyle Champion

🏆Mia van Rensburg and Berkin’s Crowland Fürst Reign: YR Elementary Champion
🥇 YR Elementary Freestyle Champion

🏆 Tia McCarthy and Freulevrouwe: YR Medium Champion
🥇 YR Medium Freestyle Champion

🥇Rochelle Jacobs and Desperado GPR: Novice Freestyle Champion

🏆Johane van Rensburg and EC KissMeKate: Medium Champion
🥇 Medium Freestyle Champion

🏆Erine Heyns and Adelprag Fabian GPR: Res Medium Champion

🏆 Chrismie Venter and Suavitas: PSG Champion
🥇PSG Freestyle Champion

FS Sanesa prize giving ~ So proud of all our riders 🏆 Amy-Lee Cairns overall Rising Star Dressage winner🏆Chloë du Toit O...

FS Sanesa prize giving ~ So proud of all our riders

🏆 Amy-Lee Cairns overall Rising Star Dressage winner

🏆Chloë du Toit Overall Primary School Freestyle winner

🏆 Janie Deysel overall High School Dressage winner (what an incredible achievement in her first season competing!)

National Medal awards
First Picture L to R

Lianri Fourie
🥇Individual Gold Medium 2
🥇Individual Gold Medium 3

Lané Laubscher
🥇 Individual Gold PR M2
🥇 Individual Gold PR M3
🥇 Individual Gold PR M Kur
🥇 Individual Gold Adv 2
🥇 Individual Gold Adv 3
🥇 Individual Gold Adv Kur

Nieve Armour
🥇 Individual Gold Elem 2
🥇 Individual Gold Elem 3
🥇Individual Gold Elem Kur

Chloë Du Toit
🥇 Individual Gold Nov Kur
🥇Individual Gold Nov
🥉 Individual Bronze Nov

Caro Nel
🥇 Individual Gold Nov
🥇Individual Gold Nov Kur (Highest score at the show)

Janie Deysel
🏆 Individual 4th PR Prelim
🏆 Individual 6th PR Prelim

Dané Laubscher

🥇 Individual Gold Medium Kur
🥈 Individual Silver M3

Amy Lee Cairns

🥉 Individual Bronze Rising Star Dressage
4th Individual Rising Star Dressage

Elona Vuthela
🥇 Individual Gold Rising STAR Dressage
🥇 Individual Gold Rising STAR Dressage

(Not pictured)

Christia van Veijeren
🥈Individual Silver Rising STAR Dressage
🥉 Individual Bronze Rising Star Dressage

Terina Retief
🥇 Individual Gold Dressage
🥇 Individual Gold Dressage

Congratulations to all our Eunice Riders who won the High School award 🏆

CongratulatJohane Janse Van Rensburgrensburg who coached all the overall Dressage winners 😎 thank you for all the consistent effort!

Do not compare your journey to someone else’s We don’t wish to be happy, we wish to be happier than others.If we only wi...

Do not compare your journey to someone else’s

We don’t wish to be happy, we wish to be happier than others.

If we only wished to be happy, this could easily be accomplished, but we wish to be happier than others, and this is always difficult, for we believe others to be happier than they are.

Also, because everyone usually shows the world the best of themselves, this means that we see our own misery and failings from a front row seat, while we watch a highlight reel of everyone else.

This makes us think that other people are doing better than they really are, and we feel the delta between where we are and where we think they are.

Together is betterWe need each other to be better.We compete not because we seek glory but because we recognise the need...

Together is better

We need each other to be better.

We compete not because we seek glory but because we recognise the need to be challenged.

I only recognise my potential by being pushed beyond my limits and I cannot do it alone.

I need my competitors.

I am not my best without you at your best.

The competition floor is an invitation to sacrifice who we are for who we could be.

This is ultimately a story of courage and my competitors are my secret weapon.

💙Worthy Rivals💙

The difference between Equestrian sports and all the othersLast week I watched the Springboks beat Argentina to clinch t...

The difference between Equestrian sports and all the others

Last week I watched the Springboks beat Argentina to clinch the Rugby Championship title. Of course, I am a very proud supporter of SA rugby along with the rest of South Africa and some parts of the world who seem to understand Rassie Erasmus’ thought process. Somewhere in the last bit of the first half, Argentina’s Mateo took out Fassi in the air. For a brief moment the entire country held their breath to see if our player was a) Ok b) Injured or C) seriously injured. Fortunately, this time around Fassi jumped up and went over the try line a couple of minutes later. No hurt… this time.

It is so normal in sports that except when someone dies, injuries are only discussed in what it means for the player and/or team going forward. Very rarely what it means to the player personally. On the contrary, pushing through injuries to claim victory is hailed as heroic.

One of my favorite sporting moments dates back to when the Protea Cricket captain, Graeme Smith went out to bat with a broken hand against Australia to try and save a test match. The test definitely wasn’t winnable for SA anymore, and we had already secured the series victory, so the best outcome at that moment was a draw between SA and Aus. Yet, Smith still came out to bat and even though his team fell a few balls short of the draw, he was hailed as an absolute hero in SA and Aus.

We love stories like this. I love stories like this. Grit, resilience, defying the odds.

Yet when it comes to Equestrian sports we (should) forget about all that. There are no circumstances where breaking the horse can be applauded. In contrast, the objective of dressage is developing the horse into a happy athlete. Which results in the horse becoming loose, flexible, calm, and supple. This is the absolute opposite of injury. It’s longevity.

We don’t care if our Rugby players can still walk at 50, as long as they win the World Cup. (If we are being honest) We should care if the sports career we put our horses through gave them a better quality of life. It definitely can. It simply depends on whether we put the medals or the horses first. Cont in comment ⬇️

It’s all about the journey. But every once in a while you have to stop and enjoy the view. Team GPR’s Lianri Fourie was ...

It’s all about the journey. But every once in a while you have to stop and enjoy the view.

Team GPR’s Lianri Fourie was honored for her Equestrian accomplishments this year at the FS Sports Stars award ceremony. Lianri currently holds 3 National titles won at the SA Youth Dressage Championships, 2 National titles won at the Sanesa Nationals, and a DSA Challenge title. She was also a part of the FS team who won gold in the Inter-provincial championships.

This is the first time that a rider from Team GPR has been recognized at the FS sports stars award ceremony.

The biggest difference between Equestrian sports and other school sports is that we have a partner to take care of and always put before the sport. The horse doesn’t care about awards, medals, or recognition. Words like pushing through, grit, and determination take on a whole other meaning when the objective of a sport is to develop an animal into a happy athlete first and win medals second.

Lianri has always been incredible at putting her horses before her accomplishments. A true horsewoman in every regard

Congratulations Lianri, we are all so proud of you!

Sanesa Nationals final day🇿🇦 Thank you to every person who made it possible for us to once again compete at the Sanesa N...

Sanesa Nationals final day🇿🇦 Thank you to every person who made it possible for us to once again compete at the Sanesa Nationals. And congratulations to all our fellow competitors

🥇 Lané Laubscher and Razdi PickMe Jnr Adv

🥇 Lianri Fourie and Mossandi Night of Jazz Jnr M
🥈Dané Laubscher and Callaho Benedict

🥇Lané Laubscher and Lemax Cosmic PRM

🥇Caro Nel and Berghof Florestar GPR Jnr N

What (another!) incredible day for team GPR😎 The kids won every single class entered. 🥇Lanè Laubscher and Razdi Pick Me ...

What (another!) incredible day for team GPR😎 The kids won every single class entered.

🥇Lanè Laubscher and Razdi Pick Me Jnr Adv

🥇Lianri Fourie and Mossandi Night of Jazz Jnr M
🥉Dané Laubscher and Callaho Benedict Jnr M

🥇Lanè Laubscher and Lemax Cosmic PR M

🥇🥇Nieve Armour and Mossandi Rock Star GPR Jnr Elem

A special mention must go to Nieve and Roxy, who won triple gold, in the most trying of circumstances. Nieve (along with all the other competitors ofc) had to ride in gale force winds today, which blew the entire arena over in the middle of her tests, ground crew then came running through the arena while she was still riding, until the judge then rang the bell to stop her 4 movements later. After they rebuilt the arena, she continued on with the same calmness and focus as before. A horse then crashed through the jumps in the next arena, and the medics ran over with all their equipment 😂 Anyone who knows Roxy, can attest that she is everything but bombproof, but Nieve once again showed amazing big match temperament and focus to keep her horse calm and happy to win double gold today to add to her freestyle gold from Tuesday. I also need to mention our amazing team, who ran around the arena holding onto flying banners and flags as Nieve and Roxy competed. You guys are amazing!

Sanesa Nationals Day 2🇿🇦A fairly quiet day as most of our horses had the day off, but Chloë du Toit and Andriana Georgio...

Sanesa Nationals Day 2🇿🇦

A fairly quiet day as most of our horses had the day off, but Chloë du Toit and Andriana Georgiou kept the flag flying high with Chloë and Kalira bagging two gold and a bronze medal with some PB scores😎🥇🥇🥉
(The one gold was won yesterday)
These are Chloë’s first National titles🏅 and we are so proud of her and Kalira after all the years of hard work and dedication. 💙

I also want to take a moment to thank and congratulate on her brilliant and dedicated coaching. The amount of effort that goes behind the scenes is basically unfathomable. It is so much more than the time spent in the lessons.

The countless hours of strategizing, planning, learning, reiterating, and then adjusting so it works for each individual rider and horse is absolutely worth it when we see the riders “get it” at home. But it is truly special when it comes together at a show. Especially when we’ve been discussing it and “seeing it coming”

Johane:) Thank you for sticking with the program. Putting the horses and kids before the results, always doing the next right thing, even if that isn’t the easy thing, and for never taking shortcuts. I have so much admiration and respect🙌

I love it when a plan comes together 😎

SANESA NATIONALS 🇿🇦 Day 1 What an incredible day. Team GPR Riders WON every single core league Championship class entere...

SANESA NATIONALS 🇿🇦 Day 1 What an incredible day. Team GPR Riders WON every single core league Championship class entered.

🥇 Caro Nel and Berghof Florestar GPR (highest score of the day on 76%) Jnr Nov

🥇Danè Laubscher and Callaho Benedict Jnr M (70%)
🥉 Lianri Fourie and Mossandi Night of Jazz

🥇Nieve Armour and Mossandi Rockstar GPR Jnr Elem

🥇Lanè Laubscher and Lemax Cosmic PR M

🥇Lanè Laubscher and Razdi Pick Me Jnr Adv

🥇Chloë du Toit and CuChullian Kalira Jnr Nov (Pic to follow as soon as we receive her medal😎)


🥇🥇Elona Vuthela and Henham Fairybelle GPR
🥈🥉Christia van Veijeren and Nicolaas GPR

🥇🥇Tarina Retief and Bronwydd Bannut Sweet Basil GPR

🥉 4th Amy-Lee Cairns and Jebel Daddy Kool GPR

SO PROUD OF ALL THESE KIDS😎 brilliant results in massive classes

Individual Championship day “You are only entitled to the action, never the outcome” 😎Advanced championshipThe warm-up o...

Individual Championship day

“You are only entitled to the action, never the outcome” 😎

Advanced championship
The warm-up on Bohemia felt so easy and light, and the test probably felt like the best test we’ve ever done together. Now that’s saying something for a horse who always tries her heart out. Unfortunately, the judges disagreed with what they saw with one judge giving us 69% and the other judge 51%🙈 So at one show I’ve now ridden a personal best score (74% in the PSG) and a personal worst score 😂
It’s always easy as a rider to assume that the highest score is the correct one, but I’ve always tried to stay objective and see it from both sides. After watching the video about 50 times I still think it was a good test. (Definitely not mistake-free, but good)
It’s a part of the sport I love, and I still had so much fun riding that test. It’s such a privilege to have a happy, healthy, and enthusiastic horse and to be then able to compete at the biggest show of the year. Thank you so much to Runè Edeling and the Edeling family for the opportunity to ride this amazing horse 💙
Congratulations to Graham Winn, Gerti Kusseler, and Catherine Berning for finishing on the podium with inspirational rides! It was fantastic to watch!

Now on to the Freestyle tomorrow 😎

SA Champs 2024Qualifying day😎The highs and lows of the journey with horses. The show started with Callaho Bohemia in the...

SA Champs 2024
Qualifying day😎

The highs and lows of the journey with horses.

The show started with Callaho Bohemia in the Advanced class. A very nice solid test for tenth place, and qualified for the finals. 💛

Then Suavitas had an amazing test in the PSG qualifier to come 2nd on 74%, our highest score ever. Congratulations to Janina and Rosalie for the win! 😎

I feel so lucky to ride these amazing horses, and I can’t thank the Edeling family and the Visser family enough for the opportunity.

Tia McCarthy and Johane Janse van Rensburg had nice moments, with a few unfortunate mistakes. They helped the FS Team to a brilliant bronze medal in the team event together with Casey Vetrick😎

Unfortunately, we also experienced the other horrible side of owning horses today. We lost one of our school ponies in an unfortunate freak accident in the paddock 💔

So this post is a tribute to all the incredible school ponies out there. Doesn’t matter where we all end up, we had our start on one amazing school pony somewhere. 💛💙

.equestrian .eq

Here we go! Another Sanesa Nationals on the cards for Team GPR. Congratulations to the following Team GPR  riders who ma...

Here we go! Another Sanesa Nationals on the cards for Team GPR. Congratulations to the following Team GPR riders who made the FS Team (Dressage and/or Freestyle)

🐴Lanè Laubscher with Lemax Cosmic
☘️Lanè Laubscher with Razdi Pick Me
🐴Nieve Joy Armour with Mossandi Rockstar GPR
😎Lianri Fourie with Mossandi Night of Jazz
☘️Lianri Fourie with Sanson
🐴Danè Laubscher with Callaho Benedict
😎Caro Nel with Berghof Florestar GPR
☘️Amy-Leigh Cairns and Jebel Daddy Kool GPR
🐴Danielle Fischer and Silver Shiloh GPR
☘️Jani Deysel and Sahara GPR
😎Christia van Veijeren and Nicolaas GPR
🐴 Terina Retief and Bronwydd Bannut Sweet Basil GPR
☘️Elona Vuthela and Henham Fairybelle GPR
🐴 Zuri Wessels and Mystique Nayla GPR
😎 Andriana Georgiou and Bridesdale Rainstorm

I would also like to take a moment to thank the FS Sanesa committee for their immense effort throughout all the qualifiers. Sanesa Dressage in the FS is run on the same quality as graded. The organizers does their absolute best to ensure that the welfare of our equine partners are taken care off as well as the facilities available provide, and then they always make decisions to ensure that when the circumstances makes that difficult, to postpone or stop the competition.

Thank you FS Sanesa! Your efforts do not go unnoticed!

📸Sanesa Nationals 2023

SA YC report 6 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦Winning is everywhere. Every minute, you have the potential to recognize ...

SA YC report 6

Winning is everywhere. Every minute, you have the potential to recognize an opportunity, push yourself harder, let go of insecurity and fear, stop listening to what others tell you, and decide to own that moment. And not just that one single moment, but the next one, and the next. And before long, you’ve owned the hour, and the day, and the month. Again. Again. That’s how you win. It doesn’t happen all at once.

Winning is the ultimate gamble on yourself. The difference between dreaming about what could be, and living it.

It’s an obsession with the journey to get there and at the same time realizing that there is no “there”

“Behind each mountain are more mountains”

The truly successful people embrace this.

These past 6 months have been so incredibly rewarding watching Danè Laubscher and her Callaho Benedict embark on this journey. Living the dream.

From getting on her horse the first time at the beginning of the year, riding a flying change, wearing a tail coat, to making the winning open Jnr/YR FS Dressage team…

More than the results it’s been the way Danè and Ben grew in their trust in each other, taking the time to truly build a bond and a relationship. The future shines so incredibly bright for these two, but in the meantime, I will enjoy where we currently are at the foot of this new mountain. Enjoying the view.

A gold medal with a pink edge 🥇🩷SA YC Report 5 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦Gold for Mia Janse van Rensburg and Crownland’s Fürst...

A gold medal with a pink edge 🥇🩷
SA YC Report 5 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦

Gold for Mia Janse van Rensburg and Crownland’s Fürst Reign 🥇at the SA Youth Champs.

The first time Mia floated the idea of a Barbie-themed freestyle by me, I flatly ignored her. The second time I had to go and google the soundtracks. Then she sent me a playlist…😂

For someone who has never seen any of the movies (apparently, there is more than one???!) the cutting and choreography came with its own set of problems. Fortunately, Nieve came to the rescue and by edit number 4 we had a very good soundtrack and choreography formed for Mia’s Golden Boy.

Dressed in his custom-made pink outfit at SA Youth Champs, Reign truly embodied the Barbie theme. For 7 minutes it really did feel like most of life’s problems could be solved with a song and a twirl, and that the most unlikely heroes could save the day in style.

A bit of a fairy-tail…😉

It felt like a summary of Mia and Reign’s partnership so far. An (at least on my part) unplanned match, who absolutely brings out the best in each other.

I just loved watching this young partnership improve day to day, and by the last day, they really found their grove and pulled out an amazing test for the win in the YR Nov Freestyle Championship to add to their team silver medal earlier in the week. (Thinking back, Mia does seem to have a knack for winning freestyles)

I am so excited to see what the future holds for these two. This is only the beginning. 💪


Groenvlei Laan 14, Freestate


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