Did you know?
📌 93% of humans have glyphosate (a toxic herbicide) in their urine, averaging 0.5 PPB.
But your dog? 🐾 A shocking 15.8 PPB on average—the highest of any animal.
And it doesn’t stop there:
Glyphosate in Food
✅ The "safe" limit for human food is 17 PPB.
🥩 Kibble averages 200–700 PPB.
🍖 Raw food? Just 5 PPB.
Why the difference? Many fruits, veggies, and grains in kibble are sprayed with toxic pesticides before they even make it to your dog’s bowl.
You can help your dog thrive by choosing foods free from glyphosate and harmful chemicals. 🌿 Because what’s good for them is good for the planet too. 💚
👉 Read more from the EWG and Consumer Reports: https://www.consumerreports.org/pesticides-in-food/most-concerning-pesticides-on-produce/