Pawsitive teaches pet owners how to deal with behavioural problems their cats and/or dogs may be exhibiting. Our techniques are based on a gentle approach, using positive reinforcement, and includes educating pet owners by providing essential support in resolving these issues. This could be through basic training sessions (both individual and classes) or one-on-one consultations where a detailed
history is taken and the animal’s behaviour is observed in their home environment. This enables us to determine why the pet’s behaviour is occurring and provide owners with methods and techniques to resolve the problem. Training is often more about teaching the owner the proper techniques to ensure success and also involves improving the communication between the pet and owner. In some cases, the communication given by an owner can be inconsistent and confusing which can result in behavioural problems. An example of this could be that one member of the family encourages the dog to jump up in greeting and another member of the family reprimands and punishes the dog for this kind of behaviour. Some behavioural problems can also be the result of a medical condition so it is important that any animal behaviour consultant works with the animal’s vet to eliminate medical issues first.