Update on our Veldriff kittens:
All 3 girls are doing well. Not ready to leave just yet as still some healing to be done but they are full of beans and learning to trust us a little more everyday.
Quiet homes with another feline friend will be required for these babies. Non negotiable.
His injuries seem to thankfully be superficial grazes & bruises (his tail is not broken but sore (as very sensitive)
To be on the safe side he is staying overnight at the vet for observation & x-rays in the morning. If all clear - he will be discharged at lunch time.
Thank you to everyone for the outpouring of love & the donations towards his vet bill 🙏
Cat thrown from car in plastic bag 😥
Late this afternoon we received a call & this disturbing video of a cat that was seen being thrown out of a car in a plastic bag. Some young boys who witnessed the incident picked up the bag & thankfully took the cat to our Community Champion for help.
We rushed out to assess his injuries & administer pain meds.
It's a teenage boy, black & white, only about 6 months old - covered in motor oil & fleas (some people think putting motor oil on animals kill fleas) When that didn't help with the fleas, they decided to put him in a bag & throw him out of a fast- moving car.
He has a badly grazed paw & his tail looks like it may have been broken 😥
He was skin & bones & starving but after a warm bath & 2 big bowls of wet food - he managed a little purr.
He will go to the vet first thing in the morning to be x-rayed & properly assessed.
We need the perfect name for him. Please send suggestions.
His life changed forever today. He will go into foster & we will be looking for a home for him where he will only know kindness & a full tummy.
If you would like to make a small contribution to his vet bill - please use: car cat as reference.
Bank details in comments
Welcome to the world tinies...
I went to Mitchels Plain to fetch a heavily pregnant mom and to my horror she was hiding in the roof. An hour later I left empty handed. She missed her steri appointment the following day but she did come out of the roof again so I rushed through to fetch her and within 30 minutes we became grandparents...
She now has 5 beautiful babies to raise.
Kitten season isn't coming, it never left and we are already full and popping (literally).
9 babies dumped in a box, mom is somewhere frantically looking for these babies and they are frantically looking for her.
To the human that thought this was the right thing to do... think again.
They are warm and fed however there are a few not doing well but we will try everything to pull them through.
Sleepless nights ahead as kitten season rears it's ugly head.