We are a Pro-Life, Pro-Quality of Life organization, working tirelessly to relieve the plight of severely neglected and abused animals that are deemed hopeless; with our Mass Sterilization, Education and Rescue, Rehabilitation and Rehoming efforts. We have been changing the lives of human and non-human alike, with these initiatives, since our inception in 2011. Our mission and objectives are:
Mass Sterilization Initiatives - First and foremost, sterilization is the key to any difference we want to make. We do what we can to prevent the ’contribution’ of more animals ending up in already over-populated areas because there simply aren’t enough homes for them all. Euthanasia of unwanted animals is not a quick solution and won't solve the problem as irresponsible breeding contributes to the problem and then shelters end up over-burdened. It is our aim to assist destitute, uneducated owners, with their pets in poor communities.
2) Rescue, Rehabilitate & Rehoming Projects - We provide veterinary care and rehabilitation to animals that have been subjected to cruelty or neglect and in turn enable these once lost and hopeless souls to be responsibly re-homed in a suitable environment, with the tender, loving, care they truly deserve.
3) Social Upliftment, Education & Advancement Programs - You can't address crime, violence or abuse unless you look into the hearts and minds of people. In this respect, education and social upliftment can play a vital role in the teaching of values, empathy, compassion, justice and respect for all life.
4) Feeding Schemes & Social Responsibility Programs - We provide food and other necessities to the poor and their pets, in the disadvantaged communities that we work in, on a weekly basis. We do this whilst enabling the community and their leaders about caring for animals, acts of cruelty to animals, taking care of and protecting animals and places of safety for animals that need care or veterinary assistance. In doing this we provide the tools and the means these people need to support their families by teaching of skills that help them self-sustain and help them care for themselves as well as their pets. Furry Friends is the voice for the voiceless. We oppose any form of cruelty to animals. Furry Friends is not just a another cliche charity "trying" to save the world, instead we are trying to be a stepping stone of hope for the hopeless and forlorn animals, a reducer of over-population and a beam of light in the dark tunnel for destitute adults and children.