A quick visual update and some insite into some of the vegetables we have in flower.
Our compost piles now go through a hot phase and then a cold phase. The cold phase is when worms in the pile works well. These red wrigglers that have been multiplying happily in our worm farms are now being sent out to work through our compost🍂🪱 The red wrigglers don't necessarily eat the organic matter but rather the microbes living in the organic matter. In tern the microbes and enzymes that the red wrigglers uses to digest the microbes they consumer assist with further decomposition of the organic matter. This worm and microbial activity enhances the compost we eventually put into our beds. 💪👩🏻👩🏽👨🏽👨🏻 Our intention is the need for less inputs to achieve a harvest you can trust is full of goodness 😀👌 #microfarmingmovement #microfarmer #microfarming #microfarm #farmingcapetown #plumsteadlife #locallygrownfood #locallygrownproduce #organicurbanfarming #urbanfarm #organicfarming #urbanfarming #communitysupportedagriculture #urbanfarmingrevolution #plumsteadpeople #organicvegetables
Soil health, it's what we think about most of the time. Compost is our number one ingredient in healthy soil. With guidance from @soilscopes we have stepped up our compost production and Felix has been powering through the hard work to make this happen.#microfarmingmovement #microfarming #microfarmer #farmingcapetown #plumsteadlife #communitysupportedagriculture #plumsteadpeople #organicvegetables
Thursdays and Fridays are our sales days. Orders in by Wednesday evenings are prepared along with what we source from our local suppliers. Come by and collect from the farm, meet our farmers and see how your food is grown.
Produce is picked first thing so you get it fresh. This way you get the most from our vegetables and we can save energy required for refrigeration. Bring along your own bags and containers so that together we can cut back on packaging.
Contact us to share your details so you can join our mailing list to get weekly availability and more details on being part of community supported agriculture.
#microfarmingmovement #microfarmer #microfarming #microfarm #farmingcapetown #plumsteadlife #locallygrownfood #locallygrownproduce #organicurbanfarming #urbanfarm #urbanfarm #organicfarming #urbanfarming #communitysupportedagriculture #urbanfarmingrevolution #plumsteadpeople #organicvegetables
The atmosphere on the farm this morning. We're into another planting cycle and there is beautiful mix of seedlings going into our beds. Broccoli, cauliflower, beetroot, leeks, spring onion, swiss chard and celery starting their journey of soil to table.
Our team pays attention to detail making sure bed with, soil enhancements and plant spacing is all to plan in order to get the best from our conditions.
Send us a message if you'd like to find out more or request to be added to our weekly mailing list.
#microfarmingmovement #microfarmer #microfarming #microfarm #farmingcapetown #plumsteadlife #locallygrownfood #locallygrownproduce #organicurbanfarming #urbanfarm #organicfarming #urbanfarming #communitysupportedagriculture #urbanfarmingrevolution #plumsteadpeople #organicvegetables