Meet Ripley.
This beautiful shepherd has developed a reactivity towards other dogs due to anxiety.
She was easily overstimulated and would react to dogs at any distance.
Although Ripley is still quite alert and attentive (as seen in this clip), here is a little progress footprint.
Where Ripley is learning to remain calm, even while looking at another dog, from a close distance.
We are proud of how far you’ve come Ripley!
Such a heartwarming moment to share!
After weeks apart due to a period of altercations, these two beautiful pitties are finally reunited and happier than ever.
Moments like this make it all worthwhile.
Progress of the Week - Bruno!
From a severe fight and reactive biting instances,
To now, a forming social butterfly in the making!
Watch till the end to see Bruno take on another dog's reaction like a champion!
Specific Information:
Behavioural program plus approximately five months of homework carried out by the client.
(Please note that the voice heard in the background is of the client).