DogHub Mission statement:
Our animals lead incredibly rich emotional lives that science has only recently begun to understand. Using the latest research on how our dogs think, learn and feel, DogHub strives to promote the physical, mental, social and emotional wellbeing of our pet dogs through force-free, motivational and scientifically proven training methods. These methods are meant to be fun,
and aim to strengthen the bond between you and your dog, and promote learning in a safe and enjoyable way by developing a long-lasting foundation of mutual understanding. The DH Mission objectives:
Our mission is to help make every dog a valued member of their family and improve their mutual relationship and their quality of life.
• By promoting the latest information on what we now know about rich emotional lives lead by our companion animals.
• By providing the highest quality, state of the art force free, scientifically based, motivational training methodology for each client and animal.
• Promising to always demonstrate integrity, compassion and uncompromising commitment of excellence in the support of our clients and their companion animals.
• By continually expanding our knowledge and improvement of skills to provide the most innovative companion animal training possible.
• Being dedicated to the physical, social, emotional and mental wellbeing of each dog in our classes.