It's wonderful when they've had a good run in the main garden. And then retire peacefully ;-)
Guess what! It's raining again, so pups are all over the house.
Housework must go on. So they've met the washing machine!
And this little one found another sibling she didn't know she had ;-)
Gave the pups time to explore the house for a bit. Mom wants little to do with those teeth!
Things get a bit "manic" at times. Just pups being pups!
Sorry about the far away video, and the abrupt end.. But when you see a pup with string in its mouth, you run ;-)
Added some vibrancy and noise making objects to the playpen.
The only reaction from all, was to try pull it all down!
Pups had some time outside on Wednesday this past week. Since then, it's been constant rain and 8.5 degree weather. Sunday is the next sunny day only.