Suppawters, I am so sorry for being 'awol'. As you may know ,the immense stress and strain I have been under the last few weeks due to the many ultimatums received from our vets and suppliers to pay our oustanding bills, which are only compounded by all the upcoming bills at month end again, is taking it's toll. The constant emotional and mental degree of the work that we do, coupled with ongoing financial challenges I think has really got my system down because I became very ill and it knocked me flat for almost 2 weeks. Today is only the second day I am starting to feel human again - and for those attacking me and not willing to be understanding of the emotional toll our work takes whilst carrying the financial burden of ongoing expenses and the physical side effects of such - I AM HUMAN, yet I am carrying mountains on my tiny shoulders, so I truly try my best.
Therefor I have not physically been able to post pup'dates about the current raffle in aid of trying to raise funds, or post of our other fundraising efforts, the latest rescue cases and vet emergencies, an overdue thank you post, happy stories, successful adoptions, our outreach and sterilization campaigns, our successes and not just the stresses and so much more. This also meant I was unable to respond to whatsapps or emails. And becoming sick just made the backlog worse. I unfortunately do not have extra paws on board to help me take on most of the load, so it is a lot and I am trying.
But I am just sending out this notice to let all our suppawters know, from tomorrow I can buckle down and start getting to everything and resume 'business' as usual. I do feel guilty for not responding or replying to you no matter the time lapse but in honoring your as our donors and suppawters, I will get to you eventually, rather late than never. So until then suppawters, pawlease suppawt this raffle which automatically was extended again, because the funds raised from it can help us make a payment towards our sterilizations vet bills and dog food bills, pawlease suppawters, it's just R10 a ticket.
As for the rest.....I will get there, I promise!
I thank everyone who understands and appreciate your patience.