Please I desperately needs dog food. Especially puppy food.
Every time I go into the township all the dogs come running for food.
Yesterday I had to go pick up a dog that what hit with a panga to almost death. And while I was picking him up I had almost 30 dogs coming to look for food. Please I feed about 250 + dogs every day that I go in.
Please you can buy at:
Petshop Sience Paddagat
Vitalvet - York Street Vet
Catbox just ask at the till what specials they have for me
Crazy pets
Or you can sent with Checkers 60/60
11 Buitekant st George Industrial
Marileen 066 174 3239
Life is just starting now
Getting water for the first time for who knows how long.
From here on your life will just get better I promise
Looking for forever homes. If you are interested please contact Marileen 0661743239 or Whatapp Sonja 0818587678
support local causes
Babies in foster care need forever homes. Babies in township needs to move out of township to forever homes. These little ones need to have a better life. Mommies and Daddies are being sterilized as quickly as funds can be raised for that. Then there are the ones that get hurt or sick that also needs help. Food, meds and shelter is needed so that they can get a better live. Some owners really try to provide for there animals but it is very difficult. Fosters and shelters are full so removing them is not so easy because where do you send them too. Killing a healthy animals is not right. If you don't eat it why kill it. So please that is why we need the help from the public to support causes like these. All over the country there are people trying to make a difference. Adopt before you shop and help by sterilising your own animals. If you can donate to a cause please do. Every little helps. Even a kind word of encouragement can go a long way.
Not for sensitive people 😭😭😭😭
When you sit and hold a dying dog. Because you were to late. I dit not have enough food last week to go past there street. And today it was to late.😭
If only we knew you were sick we would have drop everything to come help you. But your mom is a pensioner and do not own a phone.
I hold your body as you past over to the rainbow Bridge. Fly high baby. You dit matter.
Hunger somthing not everybody understands.
But we go out and make a difference
We are try to get use to other dogs. Grandma helped to keep others on their best behavior while we look at what is going on outside. We still need to find our forever home. So feel free to ask about us. Also remember the Yard Sale is the 5 October 2024. Co Market and Mitchell Street George from 8:00 - 14:00 our friends still need food and foster mommy got some new friends that have Mommies and Daddies that need to be sterilized. So please come and support us.
Have a blessed evening
Sleep tight and don't let the fleas bite.
Guess who got to go home today 🥳🥳🥳🥳
After bitten badly and a few touch and go moments and more than a weak at PDSA George friends He was ready to go home. He was so happy to see his family and friends
Marileen 066 174 3239
11 Buitekant st George Industrial
Puppies and more puppies 😭
Puppies don't make me happy anymore.
They do not give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
It makes me sad and want to cry. The puppies is full of worms. Underweight and half of them is afraid of people.
When will the misery stop?
I try sterilizing as much as possible.
But someday it feel like I make no difference
Please of you can help with puppy deworming and food, or to sponsor a steri.
Marileen 066 174 3239
11 Buitekant st George Industrial
How was your day?
Mine was a bit ruff, buy nowadays it is always a but ruff.
Today I took 2 dogs to PDSA George friends .1 Of my old time doggies that needed stitches and one 5 month old that we think have Parvo.
7 animals that is in need of Nextgard
and 15 that need Deworming.
About 250 that was very glad to see us to get decent food. To get to eat untill there stomachs is full
11 added to the list for sterilizing
And then almost at the end my favorite dog come running to me with love and kisses. And she made this day so much better. She will always storm me climes on me, pee on me, all from excitement to see me. But the always make my day so much better.
Marileen 066 174 3239
11 Buitekant st George Industrial