Introduction to Bat Rehabilitation 🦇
Our Introduction to Bat Rehabilitation course caters to wildlife carers, rehabilitators, veterinarians, nurses and all those looking to support our bat populations through rehabilitation. ❤
This lengthy course will take place over two full Saturdays. In the interest of time, we will facilitate a discussion on the following Monday evenings to answer questions and discuss cases.
This is a specialized course and all attendees are required to have attended our Introduction to Bats course or have prior experience with bats.
BatsKZN is only able to offer a practical workshop to those living in KwaZulu Natal. As such, attendees planning on using this information practically must be able affiliated with a permitted rehabilitator, rehabilitation centre or working under the supervision of a veterinarian.
For more information, email us at [email protected] or Book now @ https://forms.gle/FQcNAXYnkZw6tsAb7 😁