In the 35 degree heat at the GRC @kirstin.equestrian decided to keep things fresh … literally!
The horse and riders headed out for a swim some were more keen than others, Anu preferring the pool side snacks! And like so many times before, Choco stone the show by swimming laps around the others!
Why don’t you come join us for a dip?
#horses #horsesofinstagram #ponies #poniesofinstagram #grahamstown #easterncape #grc #grahamstownridingclub #saef #sasj #dsa #sasa #fei #coach #instructor #horseriding #riding #sunshine #ottb #tb #sanesa #dressage #showjumping #equitation #showing
There’s new arrivals at the GRC is it a bird is it a plane…. Is it a really large dog….. No! It’s minature ponies Patchy and Pippin!!!! These two tiny ponies have massive personalities to meet them and hop on board give @kirstin.equestrian a call on 079 278 8928!
Small ponies big things!!!!
#horses #horsesofinstagram #ponies #poniesofinstagram #grahamstown #easterncape #grc #grahamstownridingclub #saef #sasj #dsa #sasa #fei #coach #instructor #horseriding #riding #sunshine #ottb #tb #miniponies #minis #minatureponoes #minaturehorses
Do you have a riding BFF? Who’s your ride or die?
#vet #wild #veterinarian #veterinary #vetmed #veterinarymedicinestudents #vetmedstudents #easterncape #southafrica #ithembawcs #wildlifevet #wildvet #rescue #release #rehab #rewild #conservation
Friday afternoon at the Grahamstown Riding Club means outrides! One of our many wonderful instructors Dayne takes his @girlsingreen__ @sacdsg learners out for something a bit different!#dsg #girlsingreen #dsg #grc #riding #horseriding #horses #riding #horsesofinstagram