I mentioned a few weeks ago we were planning a retrospective analysis of dry and raw-fed dogs in a single veterinary hospital - in essence, by comparing their vet records from the previous year, we will see who uses the vet more and for what. We will then get this study published in a top journal and use it to further the raw movement globally, to the great benefit of millions of cats and dogs.
The picture painted by many is that research is incredibly, prohibitively expensive for the public to do but in reality, most of the really valuable studies, such as this one, are far from it. The data is already there. Already collected by vets. We just have to look. Our small team can get this done for $48,500
We need your help to do this.
The fact is, all of us - from the owner of a pet enjoying real food each day and now saving you a fortune at the vets to the pet shop that can't keep raw in stock or the pet food manufacturer with a nice, positive bank sheet - all have profited in their own way from such works before.
Please donate (and learn more about the study) here...
Unfortunately, the entire system is rigged to ensure that little studies like these do not happen. Bar Helsinki University, no veterinary departments are interested in investigating, let alone publishing issues with products made by the sponsors of their department. It simply doesn't happen, clearly.
All we have is a small handful of studies in this regard, most of them produced by Dog Risk in Helsinki, and then people like me and RPM, Habib and Becker and all the AWESOME raw-feeding groups working tirelessly to help people new to the game, then take these studies and blast the results to the world. Because when vets and the public alike are shown the truth they are clearly smart enough to grasp it, as exploding sales in raw (and declining sales in dry) clearly show.
We can't wait for our captured institutions to protect us from the multinationals. We must take back control of science. This means doing it ourselves because the secret truth is science is very simple. It doesn't need the lofty brick-and-mortar university set-up. Far from it. There are numerous scientists out there who work outside of them - scientists like Vicky Adams, a highly published veterinary epidemiologist, who is governing this project. It means you can get stuff done quicker and significantly cheaper (50% of every research dollar to a university goes to admin, and much of the rest can be used to prop up the studies of their major benefactors), but it means instead of relying on industry cash, you need to appeal to the public for the truly worthy projects.
We will get this study done in 5 months, start to finish, but we have been given 30 days to raise the $48,500 in order to do it.
It's called citizen science folks - science for the people, by the people. Letโs take action. Let's take back a little control.
Let's get this done. Please donate and enjoy the warm feeling that you will get having given more dogs a chance at a healthier life (and that you stuck it to the man!).
Times are tough for many so promise me this, if you can't donate as little as a dollar, please share this post with your dog food manufacturer or pet shop and ask them to donate and share. Their business is thriving because of works like these. When this study comes out and we start screaming about it, their sales will improve. In essence, we are doing their marketing for them. I feel at least the manufacturers should be getting on board with this. They have more capital and will benefit the most financially from it. If and when they donate they can broadcast it from their social media platforms, showing us they truly care about the cause we care so passionately about. So please, whoever you buy your whole (raw/cooked) dog food from, email them this study and / or tag them in this post.
Rodney Habib
Dr. Karen Becker
Planet Paws
Dr. Judy Morgan's Naturally Healthy Pets
The Natural Pet Doctor
Dr. Peter Dobias
W. Jean Dodds' Hemopet, Petlifeline, Hemolife & Nutriscan
Paleo Ridge Raw Dog Food
The Natural Canine Kitchen
Raw & Holistic Cat & Dog Support Group
Raw Feeding For Dogs Made Simple (U.K)
Wylie Wellness Centre Brentwood
Keep the Tail Wagging - rawfeederlife
The Natural Canine Kitchen
Happy Dogs Aigle
Ingenious Probiotics
Natures Menu
Bella & Duke
Raw Fed Dalmatians
Honey's Real Dog Food
NO BULL Just Natural Health for Dogs