Help us fight for Leah.
Leah needs us to fight for her, again.
To assist us in putting up that fight, please share bomb fundraising ideas with us. We need to get her to a specialist in Cape Town, who has done cruciate surgery on three knees for our friends at Indelicate Pit Bull Rescue Cape-Town. Thank you Ciels for telling us about this surgeon and the amazing work he has done on two of your dogs.
Please see the comments to see what happened to Leah 1.5 years ago and to understand why giving up on her now, while she has such joy and zest for life, is just not possible. Also, see the comments for auction links.
To assist us in getting to the specialist in Cape Town and to treat Leah’s back problem, please use one of the following:
Cheque account
The Pit Bull Sanctuary SA
Account no. 63080511950
Branch 250655
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ
Ref: Leah life
Auction 1:
Impatient me was hoping for a faster recovery of Reign’s skin. But some recovery is better than none at all, right?
Update on this little noodle 🐾🖤
I wanted to do an all round big thank you post, to a few people, who made putting up roofs for our dogs possible. But life sometimes happens and it hurts.
Layla…. A queen has been called home.
Sweet Layla and her dad donated every single roof sheet when we moved the dogs to the previous property, during Cov!d 19. This time around, I asked Francois how much he will charge me for around 50 sheets of 6 meters each. Francois and precious Layla once again donated all the extra sheets needed, for roofs at the previous property. But yesterday I saw the news that sweet Layla has gone home.
Layla, you were what most average people will call a ‘difficult’ dog. But you weren’t. You were just extremely intelligent, devoted, loyal and fiercely protective of your dad. And when the two of you became three and then four and then more, your loyalty and love extended to the family your dad has built, over the past few years. You arrived in your dad’s life, when he needed you most. You gave him direction, purpose and a will to achieve and succeed. You gave him an intense desire to do right by you. YOU gave him a will to LIVE.
You were an incredible companion, best friend, protector and an amazing guardian of your little human sister. Some people feared you, because you would not let anyone ever harm as much as a hair on the ones that you loved and lived for. Thank you for being the best dog anyone could ever ask for. And thank you for the roof sheets. I am sure Heaven smiled when you arrived. Like King David, you are small in stature, but your soul is a blazing fire and your heart, that of a giant. Where you are now, your little body is free of the pain of a failing earthly body. Heaven is now yours.
Layla… Born 30 March 2016, destined to be great, went home 15 January 2025, a queen and a dog of a lifetime 🪽
I was today years old, when I saw a perfect rainbow for the first time 😃
Currently in all its splendour, at the Sanctuary ❤️🌈
(There is a faint second rainbow as well)
It will get better soon, Reign 🙏🏼🐾
Sweet miss Geets…. Seeing her sleeping so peacefully is too beautiful. She’s eating well and in good spirits, despite having almost lost her life by horse hoove.