AB Petsitting Services

AB Petsitting Services AB Petsitting Services look after your pets while you are away. Daily or stay in. With any of the above services, we send updates via whatsapp daily.

AB Petsitting Services offers stay in petsitting, intensive stay in petsitting, daily visits, twice daily visits. We care for your pets as if they were our own.


Please see below rates for 2025 effective from 1 February 2025.

Daily visit - R230 per visit.
Intensive stay in - R480
Normal stay in - R360
Hourly Petsitting (first hour) R230
Hourly Petsitting (every hour or part there of after the first hour) R117
Key collection - R120
Key drop off - R120
Meet and greet - R120

Our sitter Christo having an amazing time with Tammy's babies

Our sitter Christo having an amazing time with Tammy's babies

Tracy, thank you for trusting our sitter Caralee to care for your babies. 💞🐾

Tracy, thank you for trusting our sitter Caralee to care for your babies. 💞🐾

Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎 Elize Dippenaar HumanDrop a comment to welcome them to our community,

Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎 Elize Dippenaar Human

Drop a comment to welcome them to our community,

Tia's babies are always so happy to spend time with their sitter Cindy.

Tia's babies are always so happy to spend time with their sitter Cindy.

💞😍My weekend 💞🐾 thank you Francesca for trusting me🐾

💞😍My weekend 💞🐾 thank you Francesca for trusting me🐾

10 Fun Facts about catsCats are cute, furry, and one of the most common house pets in the world. Cats are incredible cre...

10 Fun Facts about cats

Cats are cute, furry, and one of the most common house pets in the world. Cats are incredible creatures and unique in so many ways. Although you may know how to interpret the meow, mew, and yeow, and even know how cats stretch before they fall asleep, they are more complex than you would imagine. From the shape of their eyes to their specialized taste buds and the reason they purr, the unique behavior of cats cannot be understated. Cats may be quiet and fond of their alone time but there is much more to them than meets the eye. Here are ten amazing facts about cats.

10. Cats can't climb with their heads down.
Cats can climb up a tree with ease but coming down the same way is a challenge to them. A cat would rather jump from a tree than climb down with its head first down. To get down, a cat must back down or jump. Cats’ claws are curved backward and that facilitates climbing up a tree or wall. They simply hook their claws in the cracks and push themselves upward. When coming down head first the claws curve upwards and cannot hold them securely on a tree or climbing surface. Cats that do not know what to do while up a tree will remain there until help comes their way.

9. Cats have more bones than humans - many of which are in their tail!
Even though the human body is obviously larger than that of a cat, cats have many more bones - approximately 11% more, in fact. A cat skeleton is composed of 250 - humans have 206. Most of the extra bones are found in the backbone extending to the tail which gives the cat extra flexibility. Cats have 2 or 53 vertebrae compared to humans’ 32 to 34. The famous flexibility of cats can be attributed to extra bones. The tail alone has 19 to 23 vertebrae - about 10% of the bones in the body!

8. Cats can run up to 30 miles per hour.
Although you may think that cats are lazy because they sleep most of the time when it comes to speed they are some of the fastest animals. A domesticated cat can run up to 30 miles per hour in a short spurt. When a cat walks it moves both left legs then both right legs but when running both of the back legs move in front of the front legs launching it airborne for a moment. The technique combined with the flexibility of the spine makes a cat such superb runners. The napping for a long period also helps the cat conserve its energy that is required to propel it to such speeds.

7. Calico and tortoiseshell cats are almost always female.
While any breed of cat can be born with calico fur, the majority of these cats are female with only one in three thousand calico cats being male. Just like in humans, female cats have X-chromosomes while the male ones both X and Y chromosomes. The male cats can pass either X or Y chromosomes to their offspring while the female can only pass X chromosome. In Cats, the X chromosome determines most of the fur color. A male offspring receives only the X chromosome from the mother while the female receives X chromosome from the mother and father. One of the X chromosomes will be deactivated in each cell. Simply put, since the female has two X chromosomes they are able to display two different colors and white creating a calico.

6. Cats only meow for humans
Meowing is an interesting vocalization produced by adult cats. It is a way of communicating with people. Interestingly cats do not meow to other cats or other animals, just at people. Kittens on the other hand meow to communicate to their mothers but once they grow big, they no longer meow to other cats. Cats meow to greet people, solicit attention, to ask for food, ask to be let in or out. Adult cats speak to each other through scent, facial expression, and complex body languages. Cats use different types of meows depending on the situation. A pleasant meow sound is used to solicit food while a loud unpleasant meow is used to express annoyance.

5. Cats sleep up to 18 hours a day.
Cats are one of the top sleepers in the animal kingdom, spending about 16 to 20 hours a day sleeping irrespective of their ages. A new born cat may spend 24 hours sleeping. Interestingly, a nine-year-old cat has stayed awake for only three years. Cats are most active at dusk and dawn and spend most of the daytime sleeping. Cats also use a lot of energy to chase their prey and so the sleep helps the cat to reserve the energy for running and stalking. During deep sleep, cats experience rapid brain movement. The deep sleep lasts about five minutes while the dozing lasts about 15 minutes. The deep sleep and dozing alternate for hours until the cat wakes up.

4. Cats dream!
Cats not only spend most of the day sleeping but also dream in their sleep. Like humans, cats experience Rapid Eye Movement sleep, a stage where most dreaming occurs. Their dreams do not differ with that of humans since they also dream about day-to-day activities. A cat that is twitching, chattering and moving its paws while sleeping is most likely dreaming. The most significant indication of dreaming in cats is utterly slack and relaxed conditions. Cats may also sleepwalk but in reality sleepwalking only occurs in brain-damaged cats. Cats are likely to fulfill their dreams by chasing toys or convincing the owner to feed it again.

3. In many places, declawing your cat is illegal.
Declawing is a form of operation to remove an animal’s claw. Although common in some parts of North America, declawing is considered an act of cruelty to the animal. Most of the cats kept as pets are declawed to prevent them from scratching or damaging furniture and flower beds. Declawing is a serious problem for the cats. Several countries including the United Kingdom, Italy, France, Germany, Israel, Brazil, Australia and some states in the US have banned the practice of declawing. One is likely for face a jail term of up to one year or pays a $20,000 fine for declawing a cat.

2. They navigate using the sunlight.
How a lost cat can find its way back home without a map remains a mystery to many people today. A cat is able to walk a long distance from its new home back to the former foster owner without getting lost. Cats have mental maps that not only store the memory of their paths throughout the day but also help them find their way in case they are lost. Cats also navigate by observing the angle and position of the sun and maybe the polarization of the sunlight.

1. Cats sweat through their paws.
As cats evolved as desert animals, they are able to cope up with heat. However, the ways in which cats sweat are very different than the way sweat manifests in humans. Cats’ actually sweat through their paws. If a cat overheats, it secretes sweat through her paws. A cat may leave a trail of wet footprints on the floor. However, since paws have small surface area, a cat develops other strategies to cope with the heat such as panting or excessive cleaning.

10 Fun Facts about dogs  1. Dogs are the most popular pet on the planet!A third of ALL households around the world have ...

10 Fun Facts about dogs

1. Dogs are the most popular pet on the planet!
A third of ALL households around the world have a dog. These playful, friendly, loyal animals make great companions, but they can also be fierce and tough protectors, or intelligent helpers.

2. They evolved from a now-extinct species of wolf.
Dogs were the first animal domesticated (tamed) by humans, over 20,000 years ago! As they evolved from wolves, their skulls, teeth and paws shrank, and they became more docile and obedient.


Evidence from fossils suggests that five types of dog had evolved by the Bronze Age, around 4500BC. These were mastiffs, wolf-type dogs, dogs similar to greyhounds, pointing dogs and herding dogs. Bow wow!

3. They can learn over 100 words and gestures!
Dog facts | a dog sits holding their paw up in the air, waiting for a treat to be given
Dogs are thought to be as smart as two-year-old children (and much easier to train!), so many owners teach them commands and tricks.

4. Dog noses are at least 40x more sensitive than ours!
These clever canines have an incredible sense of smell – allowing them to follow scent trails days after they were left. Amazingly, bloodhounds‘ sense of smell is so spot on that it can be used as evidence in court!


Dogs also have fantastic hearing! They can detect high-pitched noises and spot sounds from much further away than humans can.

5. Many work as assistance dogs, helping humans!
Dog facts | a golden assistance dog stands beside their owner. They are wearing a safety vest with an orange reflector on the front, and a lightweight harness held by their owner.
Many dogs are trained to work as guide dogs, helping blind people get around safely. Others are assistance dogs, who keep their owners calm and safe, while some brave hounds are search and rescue dogs, who help human rescuers save people from danger.


Some working dogs are trained to use their super senses to sniff out explosives and illegal goods, or alert humans to potentially dangerous health issues. Wow!

6. They only sweat from their paws, and have to cool down by panting.
The sweat is much oilier than humans’, and it contains lots of chemicals that only other dogs can detect. Weirdly, it also makes many dog paws smell of cheesy crisps!

7. They can be right or left-pawed!
Dog facts | a dog places their paw against a human hand
Like humans, most dogs have a dominant hand – or in their case, paw! To figure out which one it is, you can conduct a simple science experiment…

Watch a dog moving from standing still to walking forwards. Do they start walking with their left leg, or their right? Watch several times, noting down the starting leg each time, and see if there’s a pattern. Many dogs will often lead with the same leg – their dominant one!

8. The Ancient Egyptians saw dogs as god-like!
Ancient breeds like the Saluki lived in the lavish palaces of Egyptian royalty! The pampered pooches had their own servants, were decked out in jeweled collars, and ate only the finest meats.


Dead rulers were often buried with their doggy pals, as they believed the hounds would protect them from harm in the afterlife.

9. Dogs use body language to express their feelings.

From their ears to their eyebrows, shoulders, and tail, dogs often use signals and smells, rather than sound, to communicate! Their posture makes a big difference, too.

Next time you see a dog interacting with a person or other dog, pay close attention. Are they shrinking themselves down small, or standing up big and tall? What do you think they’re trying to say?

10. Owning a dog is a BIG responsibility!
Just like humans, dogs have feelings and needs, and they have to be taken care of properly. They need regular walking, healthy food, a clean, cozy place to sleep and lots and lots of love and affection! Make sure you and your family think carefully before you get a dog (or any pet!) to make sure you have the time and means to take one on.

What did you think of our awesome dog facts? Let us know by leaving a comment, below!

A special acknowledgment to our latest top fans! 💎 Elize Dippenaar Human. We invite you to share your greetings with the...

A special acknowledgment to our latest top fans! 💎 Elize Dippenaar Human. We invite you to share your greetings with them as they join our community, . Elize Dippenaar Human

Gregg Mason & Laurelle da Vasconcelos

Gregg Mason & Laurelle da Vasconcelos

Andrea Altgayer Petsitter

Andrea Altgayer Petsitter

Maureen, thank you for always trusting me to take care of Ralfie. He is one amazing dog💞💞🐾

Maureen, thank you for always trusting me to take care of Ralfie. He is one amazing dog💞💞🐾

Meghan. Thank you for taking care of these gorgeous babies

Meghan. Thank you for taking care of these gorgeous babies

Melissa, thank you for trusting me to take care of your babies while you are away. They are gorgeous and I feel so honor...

Melissa, thank you for trusting me to take care of your babies while you are away. They are gorgeous and I feel so honored to have been chosen to take care of them. 🐾🐾

Letitia, thank you for trusting me to take care of these gorgeous babies. I am so in love 🐾🐾

Letitia, thank you for trusting me to take care of these gorgeous babies. I am so in love 🐾🐾


35 Outeniqua Street
Kempton Park


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