To our valued Katmandu clients,
A WhatsApp message that was recently sent to Katmandu's clients, appearing to have been sent by Lyn, was brought to our attention. This message starts as follows, "Hello my friend. I am so sorry for my "absence" ...”
The message contains unfounded and borderline defamatory accusations made in respect of our (Shantel & Heyns) involvement at Katmandu. Having the knowledge and first-hand experience of the entire situation and the effects of Lyn’s medical condition we are confident that she is very likely not the author of this message and we have therefore requested our attorneys and possibly later the SAPS to investigate.
The facts very briefly are that her family requested an assessment by an independent specialist who very sadly diagnosed Lyn with an irreversible medical condition in May 2023 that is rendering her incapable of managing her own affairs. At the insistence of the specialist and in collaboration with her family/friends everyone agreed that a curator be appointed to protect Lyn and to act on her behalf to manage all her affairs. At present the curators have officially been appointed by the High Court to manage all her legal, financial and personal affairs in her best interest, including Katmandu.
This has not changed the ownership of Katmandu or anything else and the business continues as before with us managing the business under the strict supervision of the appointed curator as well as the Master of the High Court. We have had a caring and longstanding relationship with Lyn since 2011 and fully respect her personal circumstances and the impact that her diagnosis has had on her. We can assure you that our commitment towards Lyn, Katmandu and you, our loyal clients, remains steadfast.
If you receive any further messages regarding this, please forward it on to us so that we can address it in the correct manner. Should you require any further information regarding the above you are more than welcome to contact us directly.
Best regards,
Shantel & Heyns