A well-known beekeeper said that the current weather pattern could result in a shortage of raw honey in South Africa. A major factor in honey production has been the changing climate, with rising temperatures, altered rainfall patterns and extreme weather events, wreaking havoc on many beekeepers and their broods. In South Africa, estimates have beekeepers loosing up to 30% of their hives annually to theft, vandalism, fires, honey badgers, baboons, flooding and, insect infestation.
Irradiated honey. Irradiated honey is honey that has been exposed to radiant energy to kill insects, bacteria, and other food-borne pathogens There is a growing demand for raw honey, and the current deficit is being met by increasing imports. To control diseases, current legislation defines that all imported honey must be irradiated. While the process kills potentially harmful organisms, it may also destroy beneficial enzymes and other microorganisms. South Africa imports Honey primarily from: China, Zambia, India, Turkey, Namibia, Tanzania, and Botswana.
Adulterated honey: The term "adulterated honey" means any honey to which has been added honeydew, glucose, dextrose, molasses, sugar, sugar syrup, invert sugar, or any other similar product or products, other than the nectar of floral exudations of plants gathered and stored in the comb by honeybees.
Fake honey
Dr Janais Delport states the following:
Fake ‘honey’, the work of ‘honey fraudsters’ and often containing no actual honey at all, flies off South African supermarket shelves, while the real deal is often ignored. These counterfeit honeys are usually cheaper than authentic ones because of how they are “produced”, In some cases, these fake products are not honey at all but rather inexpensive syrups that are shamelessly sold as pure honey.
Raw Honey Benefits for Health
• Raw vs. pasteurized.
• Antioxidants.
• Nutrition.
• Antibacterial and antifungal.
• Heal wounds.
• Boost immunity.
• Digestion and gut health.
• Sore throat.