13-15cm Redtail Catfish R450 each
Aquatic Frenzy Pet & Accessories #southamericanfish #redtailcatfish #exoticfish #monsterfish #fishkeeper #freshwaterfish #freshwateraquarium #aquaticfrenzy
Ghost Shrimp - R3 each 🦐
(Can be used as feeders)
Aquatic Frenzy
Shop 15B, Ushaka Mall, Stanger
066 512 1842
8-12cm Green Deacons (aka Severum Cichlid)
Max Size:
Tank Mates:
Smaller Oscar’s, Uaru Cichlid, Tinfoil Barbs, Synodontis Catfish, Acara Cichlid, Silver Dollars, Pleco, Redtail Shark, Eartheater Cichlids, Tetras & Other Similar Size Peaceful Fish
Ideal Tank Size:
Cichlid Crumble, Bloodworms, Mysis, Krill, Sinking Wafers & Spinach
Water Temp:
23-29 C
Our Resident South American Redtail Catfish & Featherfin Synodontis 👀
#southamerica #redtailcatfish #synodontis #aquaticfrenzy #aquarium #monsterfish
South-American Redtail Catfish
*Things to consider before purchasing a “South American Redtail Catfish”*
*Size*: On average, a redtail catfish will reach a staggering length of 1.5m & up to 80kg (yes, you read correctly). Something most aquarium enthusiasts don’t realize is how big these fish actually get, as well as the speed at which they grow. So no matter the aquarium size you have for it, you always have to think bigger.
*Lifespan*: Up to 15 years, so you have to be ready for commitment.
*Diet*: They will require a deep pocket as foods for these monsters aren’t cheap! Feeding redtail catfish involves giving them an omnivorous diet that is a high-protein diet in order to live happily. In the wild, they eat small fish, crustaceans, insects, and vegetation that falls into their environment. Let’s just say they have a big appetite, with most not knowing their limit.
*Tank Mates*: Other large freshwater fish, such as Oscar’s, Bichirs, large Dollars, Stingrays, Arowana’s, large Catfish, Pacu.. etc
Note: they are known for trying to eat fish bigger than them, so be cautious when choosing tank mates for your redtail catfish.
*Tank/Filration*: They will need a minimum 240lt aquarium when juvenile as a grow out tank. Ideally, a 1.8m (1500lt) aquarium will be sufficient as a long-term holding tank. But a pond would serve it a better suited environment & space to grow & thrive.
When it comes to filtration, this has to be on point as these catfish are very messy. We’d recommend large canister filters packed with bio media or multiple internal filters in a single aquarium to maximise filtration & oxygen levels.
Once you’ve read all the above, we hope you have an understanding of what it is is like: owning a Redtail Catfish. And if you’re ready for it, we should be getting some in stock soon.
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#freshwateraquarium #marinerock #oscarfish #silverdollar #pacu #southamerica #fishkeeping #fishcommunity #fishtanks #exoticfish #kzn #aquarium #fishyfriday
Spotted Redbelly Pacu 🐠 #pacu #amazonfish #freshwateraquarium #petfish #aquariumlife #exoticfish
Brackish Water Fish
Green Scat, Red Scat, Green Spotted Puffers & Figure 8 Puffers
#pufferfish #greenscat #freshwateraquarium #brackishwater #aquariumplants #aquarium #kzn
Species: African Butterfly Fish
Water Temperature: 24-30 Degrees Celsius
Water Ph: 6.5 - 7.0
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Max Size: 12cm
Diet: In captivity they can be fed live food, frozen food (bloodworms) and flakes. Small insects (crickets/mealworms) should be fed to them every now and than.
Ideal Tank Size: 120-240lt Aquarium
Water Flow: Slow to None
Tank Mates: Nerite Snails, Cory Catfish, Bristlenose Pleco and Kuhli Loaches
Call or WhatsApp for pricing @066 512 1842
Male Siamese Fighter (Betta)
Betta Fish - R100 Each 🐠 Variety of colours to choose from.
Aquatic Frenzy
066 512 1842
#siamesefightingfish #betta #aquaticfrenzy
The Magestic Silver Arowana 😍
#silverarowana #arowanafish #dragonfish #amazongiant #amazonriver #aquaticfrenzy
#discusfish #clownloach #fireeel #freshwateraquarium #exoticfish #tropicalfish #kzn #kwadukuza #aquaticfrenzy
Bagged & Ready To Head Off Into Their New Homes 😃
“A Stunning Pair Of Lemon Oscar Cichlids” #oscarfish #fishkeeping #aquaticlife #exoticfish #aquaticfrenzy
Ghost Shrimp (aka feeder shrimp)