Another one of the Focus products that I think may have some ophthalmological impact is calmfocus. FHV is very much a stress driven condition when we think about recrudescent disease
I have been absent for ages will start posting interesting ophthalmology related post again. Will start with a what is your diagnosis ? series over the weekend looking at some interesting clinical cases. I have also been involved at the development of some neutraceutical products am am very proud of the two ocular products. The fist one is LensFocus for the possible prevention of diabetic cataracts in DOGS. I have done some promotional material for owners and reception staff at veterrnarians I am attaching this video. If anybody want more technical info on the development of diabetic cataracts in dogs or why this product is not for cats contacxt me at [email protected] and I shall forward some interesting litterature.
It has been a very busy month with OP lectures etcetera but I am continuing with my diabetic cataract series. Here is part 4
Here is part three of the diabetic cataract series. This one is 7 minutes long. I am trying to keep these under 5 minutes but this one proved to be difficult in getting everything in 5 minutes !!. Please like these if you find them helpful.
As promised part 2 of diabetic cataracts looking at normal glucose metabolism in the lens and the pathophysiology of diabetic cataracts in both dogs and cats.
Part 1 of 4 of a look at diabetic cataracts. Each video is less than 5 minutes long
Lissamine Green. As requested I have prepared a short 3-minute slide show on the use of lissamine green in veterinary ophthalmology. Please feel free to contact me for more info or to leave a comment. I am also open for any suggestions for topics forfuture very short less than 5 minute presentations
Here is a short presentation 4 minutes 54 seconds on the use of fluorescein. If you like these very short presentations with tips and tricks let me know and I shall continue uploading them form time to time
Cyclosporin Episcleral Implant
I have received several requests from vets asking how to implant these. I have prepared a very short 3-minute presentation on this topic.