Lucky Lucy Foundation

Lucky Lucy Foundation Changing lives one by one - with us they have time to trust and heal themselves again. My head must have been about a centimeter away from the track.

Lucky Lucy's Story:
My name is Lucky Lucy and I was tied to a railway line to be hit by a train. All I remember is that I was happy and playing, I was fed and didn’t go hungry. Perhaps my owner did love me at one stage cause I lived well and warm, I was clean and had friends to play with and I found a boyfriend and carried his babies, but then suddenly for some reason something changed in my owner

. He went looking for a strong rope, something that couldn’t snap or get loose and he took me with him, which I thought would be the usual stroll you go on with your owner. But then we were at the train tracks and he grabbed me, took my hind legs and stretched them out to be tied to my front legs, them my body stretched, was tied to the railway line. Then he took my head and tied it to the bolt that holds the track in place. Then he turned and walked away… didn’t even look back. I thought at first this must be a game but he disappeared. I didn’t know what was going on – then I felt the vibration and heard the noise… I saw this huge train coming at me and I couldn’t move… I tried with all my strength but I just couldn’t move…

The train went over my leg – my paw was gone and my muscle had been ripped from my already smashed bone. I didn’t feel any more… I just lay dead still and waited to die – a few more trains went over me… I just closed my eyes and hoped I would die soon to end this agony. Out of nowhere this man saw me, he screamed and ran away only to come back with two people. They jumped out of their car and cut my neck and paws from the ropes. I don’t know if my life was now going to be completely over cause who would want to keep me alive – in my state? They put me in their car and took me to the hospital. I heard the lady and man say “Hold on for us girl… don’t give up… we will help you”. Now I will try my best to pull through, I know they are asking everyone to pray for me, so I will pray for me too.


A HEARTFELT THANK YOU ... Alex for being absolutely AMAZING!We cannot put into words how grateful and touched we were wh...

A HEARTFELT THANK YOU ... Alex for being absolutely AMAZING!

We cannot put into words how grateful and touched we were when you send us a message to say that you have a sofa for our cattery. We were in the process to create a new environment for our kittenry/cattery side and your donation was so much needed and is greatly appreciated as this helped us to create an even more comfortable environment for our cats. We also want to say THANK YOU for the financial donation towards our diesel bill for the collection of the item - we truly appreciate it.

Thank you for thinking of us and for helping us to create an environment that feels like a home for our special cats. Please know that we simply couldn’t do what we do without amazing people like you! We know you have a lot of choices when it comes to donating, and we are grateful that you have chosen to donate to our cause.

For some of our cats this will be there forever home and there is no reason why they cannot experience the same luxuries that cats in homes have. And for this reason we strive to create and give them a home where they can live in comfort and love. Thank you for your donation and your association with our cause.


National Sterilization Project UPDATE : 21 MAY 2024  💙𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐓 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞!A huge THANK YOU to...

National Sterilization Project UPDATE : 21 MAY 2024
💙𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐓 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞!

A huge THANK YOU to each one of the amazing donors and sponsors of the National Sterilization Project who contributed financially to help change the life of this beautiful mommy cat who had a few litter of kittens in her young life already.

JP saw this mommy cat with her small kittens on a farm where he stays and he was concerned about their welfare. He noticed that no one was feeding her and was concerned about her and the kittens' welfare.

JP then decided to get involved with the safety and wellbeing of this little family and visited them everyday and gave the mommy some chicken livers and rice when he had spare, in order to help her with some nutrition. Soon JP made a decision to take one of the boys to be the special addition to his family where they only had 3 dogs and no kitties - we reported on the sterilisation of Shadow who was also sterilised with funding provided from the National Sterilization Project.

Unfortunately JP is not in a financial position to contribute towards the sterilisation of this mommy cat and the funds from the National Sterilisation Project sponsored Mommy cat's spay. The Lucky Lucy Foundation sponsored the tick and flea treatment as well as the deworming treatment for this special girl before she was placed back at the barn where she was staying. JP has agreed to keep feeding this girl and her companion friend and the Lucky Lucy Foundation is supplying their food 😻.

No amount of words will ever be able to say thank you enough to each and every special donor of the National Sterilization Project who help changed her life for the better. Life on a farm can be quite dangerous especially if you are not sterilised. We don't think you always realise the true impact your donations are making and the lives that you change. Sterilisation is surely one of the most important acts of love a owner can give to his/her cat.

Thank you JP for looking after Mommy Cat and for being committed to keep on feeding her and her companion. Thank you for your kind heartedness and care towards this little family.

A HUGE THANK YOU ... Tracy Thatcher for being absolutely AMAZING!Words fail us at this moment to say how extremely grate...

A HUGE THANK YOU ... Tracy Thatcher for being absolutely AMAZING!

Words fail us at this moment to say how extremely grateful we are to you for sponsoring our third dipping station on the farm. On behalf of the entire Lucky Lucy Team please accept our sincere and deepest appreciation and thanks for helping us to ensure that our dogs and staff has a stress free experience when it comes to dipping and bathing our dogs.

The dipping station at our Clinic is needed where dogs with skin issues needs regular baths to ensure that the medical treatment protocol can be effective and that the healing process can be expedited. Building this dipping station makes it easier for the staff to ensure that our dogs gets their baths as required. We must admit since we have this dipping station - our dogs also finds it easier going for their weekly treatments and the majority actually enjoys the lukewarm water.

We are truly blessed to have such amazing supporter and volunteer like yourself who is always willing to help us whenever you see there is a need to make life a little bit easier for us and our animals. We know you have heard this many times before but we will continue to say it over and over again because it is the truth - you play a vital role in all the successes we achieve as a Foundation.


Diesel went home ...Our precious boy Diesel was previously adopted from the Foundation in June 2015.  Sadly his previous...

Diesel went home ...
Our precious boy Diesel was previously adopted from the Foundation in June 2015. Sadly his previous adopted family made the decision to immigrate and not take him with them. This meant our boy returned into our care in May 2024.

The amazing Owen family immediately fell in love with this extremely well tempered and mannered boy and wanted to make him part of their family. Senior dogs are often overlooked at the shelter and this was another reason why this adoption was so special. Older dogs make great companions and have years of love left to give. So with all the sadness when he was returned we celebrated his adoption on Tuesday.

Go enjoy your new life precious boy - make us proud - you deserve the best life has to offer and you have surely found a diamond family who will love and treasure you for the special boy you are!

Thank you to an amazing family for giving this older boy (9 years) a chance in finding love again and living his retirement years in comfort.

And it is out with the old ... let the work begin!We are working tirelessly to get our main Cattery area fully functiona...

And it is out with the old ... let the work begin!

We are working tirelessly to get our main Cattery area fully functional so that our adults can move in and be comfortable in their space. We started replacing our wooden structures in April 2023 and 14 months later our youngsters and some of their "role models" could move into their new area and boy are they enjoying their new space!

Now it is time for our older generation that needs their space to be sorted out so that they can also live in comfort. Some of our cats enjoy an enclosed area and it has been such a long time since they had that comfort.

On Monday we worked until the entire front structure of our cattery was demolished. During the coming weeks we will start rebuilding the outside structure of our main cattery so please keep an eye on our page to see the progress.

Thank you to each word of encouragement and inspiration and every donor who makes it possible for us to create a comfortable space for the cats in our care. We truly appreciate each and everyone of you!

The fog was so thick this morning on our way to the farm that it looked like we were driving into an abyss of nothingnes...

The fog was so thick this morning on our way to the farm that it looked like we were driving into an abyss of nothingness.

On the farm the fog only started to make space for the beauty and radiance of a beautiful sunny day, after 09:00.

At our dog side everyone was kind off between chilling in their kennels and checking the staff that are busy in the camps this morning. Then suddenly they were all out as the temperatures become more comfortable.

Everywhere in the cat garden today our cats gathered to soak up as much sun as they could possibly get before the freezing cold of the winter evening arrive.

Let the fun begin ...🎉🎊🎈We need a funky, quirky, eccentric name for our new area ... the previous name was 𝐖𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐓𝐨𝐰...

Let the fun begin ...🎉🎊🎈

We need a funky, quirky, eccentric name for our new area ... the previous name was 𝐖𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐓𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬!

Please spam us with your name ideas and we will choose one - get it printed and do a proper opening once everything is done - with a new place comes a new name 😻🏘🎆

# ✨

The weather is so much more pleasant today on the farm than the previous couple of days.  The pots were on the fire earl...

The weather is so much more pleasant today on the farm than the previous couple of days. The pots were on the fire early this morning to make sure that the baths are filled with nice luke warm water for the ones who needs to be dipped today. Some of us were eager to get into the water but some was a bit more reserved until they experienced the nice warm water.

You made us proud ... 𝙻𝙰𝙻𝙸 😻Do you remember our amazing 3-legged girl, Letsatsi now named Lali.  To those who followed h...

You made us proud ... 𝙻𝙰𝙻𝙸 😻

Do you remember our amazing 3-legged girl, Letsatsi now named Lali. To those who followed her story ... this is an amazing read on her journey to her forever home with her absolutely amazing family, Jacolene, Jaco and Stella 😻

We URGENTLY need HELP please🙏 As we sit here tonight emotionally drained and almost defeated, we know that many of us ar...

We URGENTLY need HELP please🙏

As we sit here tonight emotionally drained and almost defeated, we know that many of us are facing hard financial times and that the impact on everyone can be devastating and we are no exception.

We don't have many words tonight as we are facing the extremely difficult situation that we are not in a position to pay our vet bill at the moment. With everything increasing and the donations decreasing we find it extremely difficult to take control of all our accounts. Our animals need to eat and they need vet care but we can only pay what we have received and the sad reality is that it is not nearly enough to help us to settle all our commitments every month.

We are currently R15 694 overdue on our account with a current amount of R39 090 outstanding - leaving us with a total amount of 𝐑𝟓𝟒 𝟕𝟖𝟒 outstanding on our vetbill.

We unfortunately don’t have the magical solution for this situation and as we are faced with the sad reality of not being able to settle this outstanding bill we come to you, the people who believe in the same cause as we do, hat in hand once again begging for assistance, begging for a miracle.

Please we beg you to consider a donation of any amount (no amount is too small):
Bergzicht Animal Hospital Malmesbury:
Account 4063812698
Branch code 334307
Reference LLF 4833 (please make sure you specify the reference on your payment)

Directly into our bank account:
Account nr : 410514039
Branch Code 023910,
Cape Gate

OR PayPal link:

OR SnapScan:

OR Zapper Link:

OR You can consider becoming a Guardian Angel to these extremely special souls for as little as R100 per month (or more). This way you will help securing a steady income on a monthly basis. Please email [email protected] should you be interested and we will email you all the relevant details as to how to sign up and help us give hope to the ones who needs you and us the most.

Please remember that ALL your donations are tax deductible and a tax certificate (SECTION 18A) can be supplied to you on request. Please also email your POP to [email protected] so that we can personally thank you for your GIFT OF HOPE.

We also want to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to each and everyone who always support us whether it is with a donation or words of encouragement and comfort - we truly appreciate each one of you!

A HUGE AND HEARTFELT THANK YOU ... PILATES 4U & DENISE ZONDAGHWe were left speechless when we saw this amazing donation ...


We were left speechless when we saw this amazing donation of cat and dog food donated to our
Sanctuary from all the amazing people at Pilates4U. On behalf of the entire Lucky Lucy Team please accept our sincere and deepest appreciation and thank you for helping us to make sure every cat and dog in our care are well taken care of and that there will be something extra special to spoil them with during the cold and wet winter days.

We will never be in a position to give the cats and dogs in our care the best that they deserve if it is not for amazing donors like yourselves. Please convey our message of appreciation to every person who so generously contributed towards this amazing donation. We will most definitely cherish this amazing gesture of kind heartiness forever. Thank you for choosing our Foundation to receive this special donation - your thoughtfulness is a gift we will always treasure in our hearts. And an extremely special THANK YOU must also go to Denise who is the owner of this absolutely amazing business - thank you for your support and initiative to always help!

Although THANK YOU seems like such small words at this stage please know that it truly comes from the bottom of our hearts.

We salute you for your efforts and for believing in the same cause as we do!

And Dr Suzèl Hattingh and Patani is busy doing a very basic health check on everyone.  And then there are some that need...

And Dr Suzèl Hattingh and Patani is busy doing a very basic health check on everyone. And then there are some that needs their monthly/quarterly tick/flea treatment or their deworming treatment. Life at the shelter never stops - there is always something you have and need to do to ensure everyone is healthy, happy and in good physical or mental condition.

The special ones on the photos are our special girls Amy and Peggy Sue and our awesome boy, Bruno.

A HUGE AND HEARTFELT THANK YOU ... Brian and Michelle Gilbert you are absolutely AMAZING!On behalf of the entire Lucky L...

A HUGE AND HEARTFELT THANK YOU ... Brian and Michelle Gilbert you are absolutely AMAZING!

On behalf of the entire Lucky Lucy Canine Team please accept our sincere and deepest appreciation and thanks for the absolutely amazing donation of 6 boxes Probono dog biscuits, doggy biltong and food enhancer sprinkles.

Thank you so much for helping us to give the special dogs in our care something extra special. It warms our hearts if we can spoil them from time to time so please know that we simply could not do what we do without amazing and thoughtful supporters like you!

Thank you once again for your commitment and kindness to our cause and please know that we truly appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts. Our dogs were so delighted and excited when they got a special treat and we think the photos speak a thousand words in terms of their excitement and appreciation.

We know you have a lot of choices when it comes to donating, and we are grateful that you have chosen to donate to our cause. We promise to be responsible with both your donation and your trust.


And we have been busy the past few days and we are almost done ...  It has been a year since the foundation to our new c...

And we have been busy the past few days and we are almost done ...

It has been a year since the foundation to our new catteries have been done and soon our first residents will move into the first section that is ALMOST completed and fully furnished ...

This is just a peek preview of what they can expect ...

Some days our gratitude knows no boundaries.  You watch them and you have this intense feeling of gratitude ... you are ...

Some days our gratitude knows no boundaries. You watch them and you have this intense feeling of gratitude ... you are part of their journey and although our environment might not be perfect, they know we are truly trying our best to make sure they live in comfort.

Watching them being so peaceful and relaxed is all the most fulfilling feeling we can ever ask for.



Please help us with our Staff Winter Project 2024

It is time to get the raincoats out as winter is approaching with rain expected on the 29 and 30th of May 2024. However, we have found that the raincoats for our staff don’t have any “life” left in them anymore and with all the rips and tears it is impossible to get them to a point that they will keep our staff dry during the rainy days and nights. Our staff has been wearing their raincoats from 2019 and unfortunately they are not going to last another winter season.

We want to give each one of them a Dromex Rubberised Rain Suit and a pair of gumboots (from Basson Workwear). This will be a small token of our appreciation for their commitment and sacrifices they make on a daily basis. We will be introducing our individual staff members to you and want to ask if you can consider helping us with a sponsorship per item per worker before the rainy days and nights are here.

Our quote from Basson Workwear reflects the following prices per item:
(1) Dromex Rubberized Hood Rain Suit (PRSRUB) Navy @ R151 (including 15% VAT) &
(2) Neptun Shova General Purpose Gumboot (VBBGP) Black @ R153 per pair (Including 15% VAT)

We have 3 options available for you to choose from:
Option 1 : Sponsor the complete rain protection workwear @ R300. Just type the word SPONSOR in the comments column.

Option 2: Sponsor a Rainsuit @ R150. Just type the word RAINSUIT in the comments column.

Option 3 : Sponsor a pair of Gumboots @ R150. Just type the word GUMBOOTS in the comments column.

Any financial contributions towards our Winter Project can be deposited directly into our Nedbank Fundraising account:

The Lucky Lucy Foundation
Account nr : 1020247967
Cheque Account
Cape Gate - Branch code - 104509

Please remember all financial contributions are tax deductible and you are most welcome to request your tax certificate from us at [email protected].

Thank you for all your support!

A HEARTFELT THANK YOU ... SELLAH'S RAINSUIT AND GUMBOOTS SPONSORED BY Karin Koorts Sarembock 🫶Please help us with our St...


Please help us with our Staff Winter Project 2024

It is time to get the raincoats out as winter is approaching with rain expected on the 29 and 30th of May 2024. However, we have found that the raincoats for our staff don’t have any “life” left in them anymore and with all the rips and tears it is impossible to get them to a point that they will keep our staff dry during the rainy days and nights. Our staff has been wearing their raincoats from 2019 and unfortunately they are not going to last another winter season.

We want to give each one of them a Dromex Rubberised Rain Suit and a pair of gumboots (from Basson Workwear). This will be a small token of our appreciation for their commitment and sacrifices they make on a daily basis. We will be introducing our individual staff members to you and want to ask if you can consider helping us with a sponsorship per item per worker before the rainy days and nights are here.

Our quote from Basson Workwear reflects the following prices per item:
(1) Dromex Rubberized Hood Rain Suit (PRSRUB) Navy @ R151 (including 15% VAT) &
(2) Neptun Shova General Purpose Gumboot (VBBGP) Black @ R153 per pair (Including 15% VAT)

We have 3 options available for you to choose from:
Option 1 : Sponsor the complete rain protection workwear @ R300. Just type the word SPONSOR in the comments column.

Option 2: Sponsor a Rainsuit @ R150. Just type the word RAINSUIT in the comments column.

Option 3 : Sponsor a pair of Gumboots @ R150. Just type the word GUMBOOTS in the comments column.

Any financial contributions towards our Winter Project can be deposited directly into our Nedbank Fundraising account:

The Lucky Lucy Foundation
Account nr : 1020247967
Cheque Account
Cape Gate - Branch code - 104509

Please remember all financial contributions are tax deductible and you are most welcome to request your tax certificate from us at [email protected].

Thank you for all your support!

A HEARTFELT THANK YOU ... PATRICK'S RAINSUIT AND GUMBOOTS SPONSORED BY Rozanne Turkington 🫶Please help us with our Staff...


Please help us with our Staff Winter Project 2024

It is time to get the raincoats out as winter is approaching with rain expected on the 29 and 30th of May 2024. However, we have found that the raincoats for our staff don’t have any “life” left in them anymore and with all the rips and tears it is impossible to get them to a point that they will keep our staff dry during the rainy days and nights. Our staff has been wearing their raincoats from 2019 and unfortunately they are not going to last another winter season.

We want to give each one of them a Dromex Rubberised Rain Suit and a pair of gumboots (from Basson Workwear). This will be a small token of our appreciation for their commitment and sacrifices they make on a daily basis. We will be introducing our individual staff members to you and want to ask if you can consider helping us with a sponsorship per item per worker before the rainy days and nights are here.

Our quote from Basson Workwear reflects the following prices per item:
(1) Dromex Rubberized Hood Rain Suit (PRSRUB) Navy @ R151 (including 15% VAT) &
(2) Neptun Shova General Purpose Gumboot (VBBGP) Black @ R153 per pair (Including 15% VAT)

We have 3 options available for you to choose from:
Option 1 : Sponsor the complete rain protection workwear @ R300. Just type the word SPONSOR in the comments column.

Option 2: Sponsor a Rainsuit @ R150. Just type the word RAINSUIT in the comments column.

Option 3 : Sponsor a pair of Gumboots @ R150. Just type the word GUMBOOTS in the comments column.

Any financial contributions towards our Winter Project can be deposited directly into our Nedbank Fundraising account:

The Lucky Lucy Foundation
Account nr : 1020247967
Cheque Account
Cape Gate - Branch code - 104509

Please remember all financial contributions are tax deductible and you are most welcome to request your tax certificate from us at [email protected].

Thank you for all your support!

A HEARTFELT THANK YOU ... HASTINGS'S RAINSUIT AND GUMBOOTS SPONSORED BY Rozanne Turkington 🫶Please help us with our Staf...


Please help us with our Staff Winter Project 2024

It is time to get the raincoats out as winter is approaching with rain expected on the 29 and 30th of May 2024. However, we have found that the raincoats for our staff don’t have any “life” left in them anymore and with all the rips and tears it is impossible to get them to a point that they will keep our staff dry during the rainy days and nights. Our staff has been wearing their raincoats from 2019 and unfortunately they are not going to last another winter season.

We want to give each one of them a Dromex Rubberised Rain Suit and a pair of gumboots (from Basson Workwear). This will be a small token of our appreciation for their commitment and sacrifices they make on a daily basis. We will be introducing our individual staff members to you and want to ask if you can consider helping us with a sponsorship per item per worker before the rainy days and nights are here.

Our quote from Basson Workwear reflects the following prices per item:
(1) Dromex Rubberized Hood Rain Suit (PRSRUB) Navy @ R151 (including 15% VAT) &
(2) Neptun Shova General Purpose Gumboot (VBBGP) Black @ R153 per pair (Including 15% VAT)

We have 3 options available for you to choose from:
Option 1 : Sponsor the complete rain protection workwear @ R300. Just type the word SPONSOR in the comments column.

Option 2: Sponsor a Rainsuit @ R150. Just type the word RAINSUIT in the comments column.

Option 3 : Sponsor a pair of Gumboots @ R150. Just type the word GUMBOOTS in the comments column.

Any financial contributions towards our Winter Project can be deposited directly into our Nedbank Fundraising account:

The Lucky Lucy Foundation
Account nr : 1020247967
Cheque Account
Cape Gate - Branch code - 104509

Please remember all financial contributions are tax deductible and you are most welcome to request your tax certificate from us at [email protected].

Thank you for all your support!

A HEARTFELT THANK YOU ... PETER'S RAINSUIT AND GUMBOOTS SPONSORED BY Rozanne Turkington 🫶Please help us with our Staff W...


Please help us with our Staff Winter Project 2024

It is time to get the raincoats out as winter is approaching with rain expected on the 29 and 30th of May 2024. However, we have found that the raincoats for our staff don’t have any “life” left in them anymore and with all the rips and tears it is impossible to get them to a point that they will keep our staff dry during the rainy days and nights. Our staff has been wearing their raincoats from 2019 and unfortunately they are not going to last another winter season.

We want to give each one of them a Dromex Rubberised Rain Suit and a pair of gumboots (from Basson Workwear). This will be a small token of our appreciation for their commitment and sacrifices they make on a daily basis. We will be introducing our individual staff members to you and want to ask if you can consider helping us with a sponsorship per item per worker before the rainy days and nights are here.

Our quote from Basson Workwear reflects the following prices per item:
(1) Dromex Rubberized Hood Rain Suit (PRSRUB) Navy @ R151 (including 15% VAT) &
(2) Neptun Shova General Purpose Gumboot (VBBGP) Black @ R153 per pair (Including 15% VAT)

We have 3 options available for you to choose from:
Option 1 : Sponsor the complete rain protection workwear @ R300. Just type the word SPONSOR in the comments column.

Option 2: Sponsor a Rainsuit @ R150. Just type the word RAINSUIT in the comments column.

Option 3 : Sponsor a pair of Gumboots @ R150. Just type the word GUMBOOTS in the comments column.

Any financial contributions towards our Winter Project can be deposited directly into our Nedbank Fundraising account:

The Lucky Lucy Foundation
Account nr : 1020247967
Cheque Account
Cape Gate - Branch code - 104509

Please remember all financial contributions are tax deductible and you are most welcome to request your tax certificate from us at [email protected].

Thank you for all your support!

A HEARTFELT THANK YOU ... GIFT'S RAINSUIT AND GUMBOOTS SPONSORED BY Rozanne Turkington 🫶Please help us with our Staff Wi...


Please help us with our Staff Winter Project 2024

It is time to get the raincoats out as winter is approaching with rain expected on the 29 and 30th of May 2024. However, we have found that the raincoats for our staff don’t have any “life” left in them anymore and with all the rips and tears it is impossible to get them to a point that they will keep our staff dry during the rainy days and nights. Our staff has been wearing their raincoats from 2019 and unfortunately they are not going to last another winter season.

We want to give each one of them a Dromex Rubberised Rain Suit and a pair of gumboots (from Basson Workwear). This will be a small token of our appreciation for their commitment and sacrifices they make on a daily basis. We will be introducing our individual staff members to you and want to ask if you can consider helping us with a sponsorship per item per worker before the rainy days and nights are here.

Our quote from Basson Workwear reflects the following prices per item:
(1) Dromex Rubberized Hood Rain Suit (PRSRUB) Navy @ R151 (including 15% VAT) &
(2) Neptun Shova General Purpose Gumboot (VBBGP) Black @ R153 per pair (Including 15% VAT)

We have 3 options available for you to choose from:
Option 1 : Sponsor the complete rain protection workwear @ R300. Just type the word SPONSOR in the comments column.

Option 2: Sponsor a Rainsuit @ R150. Just type the word RAINSUIT in the comments column.

Option 3 : Sponsor a pair of Gumboots @ R150. Just type the word GUMBOOTS in the comments column.

Any financial contributions towards our Winter Project can be deposited directly into our Nedbank Fundraising account:

The Lucky Lucy Foundation
Account nr : 1020247967
Cheque Account
Cape Gate - Branch code - 104509

Please remember all financial contributions are tax deductible and you are most welcome to request your tax certificate from us at [email protected].

Thank you for all your support!

A HEARTFELT THANK YOU ... SAM'S RAINSUIT AND GUMBOOTS SPONSORED BY Mai Unger 🫶Please help us with our Staff Winter Proje...


Please help us with our Staff Winter Project 2024

It is time to get the raincoats out as winter is approaching with rain expected on the 29 and 30th of May 2024. However, we have found that the raincoats for our staff don’t have any “life” left in them anymore and with all the rips and tears it is impossible to get them to a point that they will keep our staff dry during the rainy days and nights. Our staff has been wearing their raincoats from 2019 and unfortunately they are not going to last another winter season.

We want to give each one of them a Dromex Rubberised Rain Suit and a pair of gumboots (from Basson Workwear). This will be a small token of our appreciation for their commitment and sacrifices they make on a daily basis. We will be introducing our individual staff members to you and want to ask if you can consider helping us with a sponsorship per item per worker before the rainy days and nights are here.

Our quote from Basson Workwear reflects the following prices per item:
(1) Dromex Rubberized Hood Rain Suit (PRSRUB) Navy @ R151 (including 15% VAT) &
(2) Neptun Shova General Purpose Gumboot (VBBGP) Black @ R153 per pair (Including 15% VAT)

We have 3 options available for you to choose from:
Option 1 : Sponsor the complete rain protection workwear @ R300. Just type the word SPONSOR in the comments column.

Option 2: Sponsor a Rainsuit @ R150. Just type the word RAINSUIT in the comments column.

Option 3 : Sponsor a pair of Gumboots @ R150. Just type the word GUMBOOTS in the comments column.

Any financial contributions towards our Winter Project can be deposited directly into our Nedbank Fundraising account:

The Lucky Lucy Foundation
Account nr : 1020247967
Cheque Account
Cape Gate - Branch code - 104509

Please remember all financial contributions are tax deductible and you are most welcome to request your tax certificate from us at [email protected].

Thank you for all your support!


N7 Lucky Lucy Farm Portion 17 (Portion 1 Of Portion 1) Farm No. 28 Klipvlei

Opening Hours

Saturday 10:30 - 13:00
Sunday 10:30 - 12:30




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