As you know Robert and myself cars are broken. So I asked Robert please to go see what's happening in Silvertown, as he stays in Chatsworth and people collect food. Not so much for Silvertown. I believe 2 dogs died , guess poisoned. They dogs have lost weight. It so hard when one can't get out there to check up on all the dogs. I've been buying bags of dog pellets and have to pay petrol for them to fetch it. I've tired to give my sponsors a break over Xmas, bit it's been a hard holiday period. The 3 puppies did not get adopted sadly so they will be coming here from the foster mom.
I have to start building some more camps. I have rubbish that needs to be removed. I've paid for 3 bags of dog pellets just waiting for the suppliers. So today if the dog food does not come in, I only have 1/2 barrel of pellets and the townships dogs also not much. If you could help in anyway will be so grateful.
Petrol is taking a big toll on me.
It's really been a hard time for me at the shelter. I had to get 16 puppies vaccinated, thanks to Jason from Chocolate Angels, went to Robert to vaccinate the puppies there at R150 a puppy. I owe him still R1400.
Every cent that comes in goes to dog food and dog medications.
Please could help the doggies
So next batch of puppies is up for adoption
Thank you Robert for going to see some of the dogs in Silvertown.
Sending you Love and Light from the fur golden oldies and myself....
Natasha Theunissen Founder & Shelter Manager - Cell 0842478105
Dogs Deserve Better Rehabilitation Centre
Location 10 km before Malmesbury on the N7 from Cape Town, Western Cape South Africa
Email - [email protected]
Webpage - http://www.dogsdeservebettersa.co.za
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DogsDeserveBetterRehabilitationCentre
Your donation rehabilitates one more abused and neglected dog....
Account name: Dogs Deserve Better Rehabilitation Shelter
Bank Transfer: ABSA
Branch 632005 - Account 926 056 5984
Overseas Swift Code:ABSAZAJJ
Bank Absa
Account number 4063812698
Dogs Deserve Better Natasha
EMIAL: bergzichtdierehospitaal@telkomsa
“You can judge the state of a nation by the way they treat their animals”
“Every dog deserves a home, but not every home deserves a dog”🥰🐶🤗