With our last cup of tea for the day we are saying goodnight - sweet dreams. 😴
Todays valuable lesson is from our dearest Baloo ... the sweetheart amongst the stars!
When that tiny body, with wide, determined eyes refuses to wait for his bottle. His tiny little paws bat at the bottle impatiently as if he is telling the entire world "I can do this myself". Our dearest little Baloo has a spirit that is as big as any adult cat's heart.
Who needs waiting when you've got the courage to try!
#luckylucyfoundationcats #luckylucyfoundation #rescuecatsrock #rescuecatsarethebest #rescuecatsrule #kittenrescue
We are not sure what Sir Benjamin is upto in the litterbox ... or what he expects to find 🧐🤔🫣🤭
Introducing our vibrant Sir Wigglebut, now 8 weeks old. With his dazzling personality, he reminds us that joy and laughter can light up our days in the most extraordinary ways!
He has a little friend which we will introduce shortly 😻
#luckyfoundationcats #luckylucyfoundation #wigglebut #sheltercatsrock #sheltercats #shelterlife #tuxedokitten #tuxedocat #shelterlife
Anisa and Chenin
The love in Alcatraz is truly heartwarming!
Meet Anisa, our sweet and nurturing “mom” at just 3 years old. She came to us with two broken legs that hadn’t been treated by her previous owners and she had to have surgery to remove cancer from both ears. Despite her challenges, she has the kindest spirit!
Then there's Chenin, our adorable 1-year-old sweetheart. She just loves attention and has the gentlest personality you can imagine.
Oh, and a fun little detail: the radio was playing while we recorded the video—can you believe how perfectly the song matched the moment? It couldn’t have been more special.
This is definitely one of our most loving moments of the day!
#luckylucyfoundationcats #luckylucyfoundation #igotyou #shelterlife #rescuecatsrock #rescuecatsarethebest #catshelter #rescuelove #sheltercats #sheltercatsrock #sheltercatsrock #perfectmoments
When one of our amazing supporters visits us and they get a special new toy ...
Drumlin with his first EVER "catch" in the garden 😅
We don't actually think that our special boy caught this little four-striped grass mouse by himself but the fact is that he has this little "trophee" which makes him extremely proud.
Our boy don't actually knows what to do now except for growling whenever anyone dares to get close ... this little charade carried on for quite some time 🫣🤔.
It was however too late for us to save this little creature by the time we noticed what was going on so we allowed Drumlin to do his little parade throughout the garden ... growling ... growling ... growling.
Guess our "little" boy has grown into a big hunter today.
#luckylucyfoundationcats #luckylucyfoundation #shelterlife #VictoryLap
Please meet our extremely wise and old personality … Mona (14 years)
Mona came into our care after she has been found by a kind family who took her in. They noticed that there was something serious wrong with her legs “not being normal”. They suspected that she was about 4 years old and was most probably in a motor vehicle accident.
Sadly, the family stayed in a non-pet-friendly accommodation and could therefore not keep Mona so besides their best efforts to find her family no one came forward to claim her and they then had to start with the rehoming process.
So we agreed to make a space for this special old lady and on the 11th of April 2024 we fetched her from the family who took her off the street and she came to our Sanctuary to live in our Retirement area. Mona tested negative for Feline Aids and Feline Leukemia. Our vets estimated Mona to be between 13 - 15 years. The x-rays taken showed that she has severe arthritis in both back hocks.
We often miss arthritis in our cats and sometimes we just conclude, incorrectly but completely subconsciously that “my cat is just lazy because if he/she had arthritis he/she would show me”. Once you understand cat behaviour better then you will be able to interpret both the signs and the lack of signs more accurately.
While Mona was sedated for her x-rays and blood tests she vomited up a roundworm. The photo is on slide 3 of this slide show. Roundworms are one of the most common intestinal parasites of a cat and can be an important cause of illness, even death, in kittens. These worms can average 8 - 15cm in length. They swim freely within the intestine of the cat and although they might not be too particularly harmful to adult cats, they may cause life threatening problems in kittens and debilitated older cats. Fortunately, the treatment for roundworms is safe, simple, and relatively inexpensive. Treatment : The cat/kitten would need at least two to three deworming treatments such as Panacur, A
A special GOOD MORNING message from our very special Squirtle. Thomasina also wanted to join in with a special good morning message but we think Squirtle stole this moment 😜.
We currently have 5 tortoises who also lives in peace with everyone in our garden. Squirtle has been with us since April 2018 already after he has been attacked by crows on our property.
Albert knows that he is a gorgeous, spectacular, dramatic and magnificent personality ...
Albert has his own distinct personality and some of our cats would rather avoid him ... 🤫 🤣 than making friends with him 🤣.
So when we test our dogs with our cats (to see if they are cat friendly) then Albert needs some time out because he don't know how to behave when he meet a dog 😂