Update: our project has had to pause for the last few weeks since Luleka (featured in this video ❤️) found a new job.
Luleka was only with us for a few weeks, but she is missed greatly! She was not only our driver but also helped source and sign up animals in Dunoon each week to get sterilised with the @capespca.
While trying to find a new driver, we wanted to leave you with these inspiring words from Luleka about why she enjoyed working for us and how the Dunoon community and the animals that reside here benefit significantly from our work.
To support our vital work, please consider donating to our cause via our FNB account below:
Account Name: Dunoon Humane Education Group
Account Number: 62904582089
Bank Name: First National Bank (FNB)
Account type: First Business Zero Account
Branch Code: 200909
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
Branch Name: Century City
NB: Please send the proof of payment to: [email protected]
Every little helps the animals of Dunoon! 🐾🐶
We also want to wish Luleka every success in her new job! ☀️
#dunoonhumaneeducationgroup #StandupAgainstAnimalAbuse #bewisesterilise #capetown #animalshaverights #dunoon #dunoontownship #westerncape #humaneeducation #empowernotenable #southafrica #animalcharity #animalgroup #animalwelfaregroup #loveanimals #lovedogs #lovecats #compassion #kindness
This poor heavily pregnant female dog was found tied up in a plastic bag, unable to breathe on Monday by City of Cape Town workers that were cleaning around Dunoon. They immediately opened the bag and let the dog out and tried to get it to breathe properly because it was struggling to breathe...
They alerted Kamva Nosè our staff member in Dunoon who came on the scene immediately and took over. As you can see Kamva then gave the dog some water and put her immediately in the shade to help her recoup after this truly AWFUL experience!
We would like to appeal to the Dunoon residents if anyone knows who did this - please come forward (you do not have to give your name) with the information so we can share it with the SPCA and open a case of animal cruelty. Should you know who did this please call Kamva directly on: 0731365331.
The person who committed this heinous act of animal cruelty, if not turned in, will do this again to another animal and potentially move to harming humans too so it is important we stop them!
Just to update, the Cape of Good Hope SPCA collected this dog on the same day and for that we are truly grateful. We are also grateful for the City of Cape Town workers for helping this dog when they could have just left the dog to suffer after seeing movement, and for Kamva Nosè who we would be lost without!
NB: Also, if you have an animal that you do not want to have puppies or kittens - please get in touch with us as this is one of our main goals - to help sterilise animals in Dunoon to reduce unwanted dogs and cats.
#dunoonhumaneeducationgroup #StandupAgainstAnimalAbuse #bewisesterilise #capetown #animalshaverights #dunoon #southafrica
Thank you Janet! <3
The BIGGEST of thank you's goes out to Janet Gelgor for providing two of our key members with smartphones! <3
Janet was the only person who came forward when we put the ask out and we couldn't be more grateful as since the arrival of the phones we have all been able to communicate much better (the other phones were broken or old and so didn't have a camera).
Smartphones... such a simple invention yet so vital to people trying to be the eyes and ears for animals in Dunoon! 🐾
#dunoon #bethechange #makedunoongreat #voiceforthevoiceless #bewisesterilise #kindnessiscool #StandupAgainstAnimalAbuse #gratitude
Yesterday, one of the Dunoon Humane Education Group residents reported this poor dog with a broken leg to the SPCA. You can hear the pain he or she is in on the video - it is just heartbreaking!
This dog was just wandering around alone, being ignored until one of the Dunoon Humane Education Group members spotted him or her, not long after leaving his house. He then arranged for someone to keep this dog safe until the SPCA arrived.
It is really great to see the residents of Dunoon speaking up when they see an animal in distress and making a plan to keep animals like this safe. This is something we are trying to encourage all the residents here to do. Something that we know will take time to get right, but something we are all committed to doing no matter how long it takes! #WeAreTheirVoice
A huge thank you to the Cape of Good Hope SPCA for ensuring they collected this poor dog yesterday. We are so grateful to you! If you wish to send a 'Tip of Appreciation' to the SPCA, please see their banking details on our about page. We would not be able to help the animals in Dunoon without their services.
#BeTheChange #Dunoon