Midlands Puppy School -Howick

Midlands Puppy School -Howick We are a dedicated team of animals trainers, eager to help with any problem. Big or small, we work w


Forwarded Post from Assagay Residents exposed to Rabid Dog:

RIP Mika

Heart broken, devastated and guilt-ridden..... Letting you go has been the most difficult to process decision I've ever had to make.

I'm SO sorry we couldn't do more or fight harder for you my girl but I want you to know that i couldn't have wished for a more amazing companion, protector and family member.

You will be sorely missed by each of us and remembered for your gentle temperament, special bond with the M&Ms, love for food, and that wiggle bum each time I came home.

So so sorry my girl, love you forever.

Love all of us xox

For those pet owners reading this, I URGE you to make sure your pets vaccinations are up to date!

We had an incident earlier this week where a stray dog managed to enter our property, naturally our dogs confronted it and chased it off. The stray was picked up and dropped off with the nearest vet who immediately suspected a possible rabies case. The dog was euthanized and the state vet was alerted.

Whilst waiting the rabies results, we had our local vet give each of our dogs a rabies booster shot, even though there was no clear bite or visible wounds on either of the dogs.

Our 2 older dogs were fully vaccinated for rabies, but our dear Mika(barely over a year old) had only received 1 rabies vacc to date, with her annual follow up due in September this year.

We received the devastating news yesterday from the state vet, confirming the stray was infected with rabies. Our hearts dropped.

Due to Mika only having had 1 vacc, she was deemed 'unvaccinated' and high-risk to all that she comes into contact with. Compounding the issue, is rabies can present itself anywhere form 0-6mths after being contracted.

By law we had to euthanize a perfectly healthy pet because we did not have her vaccinations fully up to date.

I wouldn't wish this scenario on anyone, so please check your dogs/cats vaccinations books/records, and ensure you sort them out ASAP.

Secondly check you properties fence/perimeter walls for any access points to prevent unwanted contact and potentially infected visitors mixing with your pets.

I hope this post saves at least 1 pets life, so that our Mika's loss was not in vain.

Do you have an older puppy, 4 to 6 months and missed early training. I have a new puppy course starting this coming Satu...

Do you have an older puppy, 4 to 6 months and missed early training. I have a new puppy course starting this coming Saturday at 2pm. Contact Rachel on 0796058474 for more information.

My dogs love their crates. Always a safe, happy space. They can go in and out as they please

My dogs love their crates. Always a safe, happy space. They can go in and out as they please

Either you love them💓 or hate them❌ .
This can be a very divisive issue and I am aware they are banned in many countries.
This isn't a step by step guide on crate training (because it is also very individual), however it is a reminder that YOU are the main reason why your dog will love or despise their crate.
If you want them to love them, make them fun, comfortable, safe and that happens with time, food, desensitisation and positive associations.

If you want them to have a negative association with them there are things people do which may or not be obvious.

Don't drag your dog/puppy into the crate.
Never use the crate as a place of "time out" as a punishment.
Don't put them in areas where they cannot rest easily (a busy lounge with young children may not be the best place).
Check the crate isn't noisy whenever they move, some rattle with every movement.
Frantic crying shouldn't be ignored and "cried out".
In times of excitement in the lounge is the puppy or dog always crated? This can cause frustration.

If you do want to crate train or are having difficulty look at HOW you use the crate.
What do you do with the crate and the associations your dog or puppy may have with it are key to how they will feel about it.

Love them or hate them, crating is a very good option for many puppies or dogs.
It can be a sanctuary or it can be a place of distress.

🙂Unmarked graphics are available for $ 1.20 USD or $ 2 NZD each (approx), these are then able to be used off Facebook for client handouts, posters etc. Please visit ABC Dogs Patreon Shop for our collection of graphics.
Everyone is free to share these posts on social media, however off social media use is protected.
Screen shots are a violation of copyright.
Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make . All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright.

Did you get a new puppy over the holidays? Let's get on top of their training, before bad habits set in. A new round of ...

Did you get a new puppy over the holidays? Let's get on top of their training, before bad habits set in. A new round of puppy classes starting this coming Sat. Contact Rachel on 0796058474


Crate training is a wonderful thing for our dogs to learn. But in the right way. Please pop me a message if u need help getting your pup settled in their crates


Over excited/over arousal/hyper arousal IS a form of reactivity.
I know many may struggle understanding that having a dog that is desperate to meet others is a reactive dog...because they don't appear "aggressive".
They can be described as "friendly" or "just LOVES other dogs".
It is also incredibly stressful for these dogs.
Stress hormones can be released with both positive and negative stimuli....a difficult concept for some to accept that their "friendly" dog can be stressed.
This is not about dogs that get excited when they see a dog they know...this is purely aimed at dogs that go straight to over arousal at the mere sight of a dog/cat or person...whatever their trigger is.

Bite risks...
Yes even these dogs can bite (or be bitten).
There is no emotional self control and things can change in an instant with these dogs....they do pose a bite risk...and I appreciate that is hard to hear for many as their friendly dog would "never" bite another.
EVERY dog has the capability to bite given certain circumstances and over arousal puts dogs into positions where their emotions take over.
Many dogs bite when over aroused.
Bites can also be redirected back onto their guardians/owners or the nearest person/dog/child present.
They also fail to "read the room", there is no time taken to assess the other dog they desperately want to interact with....so the lead is taken off that friendly dog so they can meet their new "friend".

This is a new graphic based on another I made but this is specifically for over aroused dogs.
Your dog will also have their own unique changes you can see as they go over that all important threshold.

You are not alone with this issue...it is very common.
Reactive dog guardians/owners are some of the most dedicated I have ever met.
These dogs can be incredibly hard to live with.

You can make a difference.

Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make. Everyone is free to share on social media, however off social media use of these marked graphics is prohibited. Unmarked graphics are available for $ 1.20 USD or $ 2 NZD each (approx), these are then able to be used off Facebook for client handouts, posters or for personal use. Screen shots are a violation of the copyright.
Please visit ABC Dogs Patreon Shop for unmarked graphics. All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright.


A very common issue for dogs and puppies...and the cause of a lot of damage to furnishings, homes, clothing and shoes.
Having a dog chew inappropriate items (and worse ingest) is a really worrying issue and sometimes we have inadvertently added to the issues.
🔵Hyper attachment or separation issues not taken seriously enough.
🔵Constantly redirecting puppies back onto a chew toy and not respecting the need for other enrichment (or the value of teaching calmness).....a puppy that is always chewing can create a lifelong habit.
🔵Having no other (or very limited) physical outlets or enrichment.
🔵Not believing that the chewing they are now displaying can come from pain, because you had a quick look in the mouth and couldn't see anything.
🔵Leaving puppies or dogs alone while we work 9 - 5.
🔵Leaving tempting items such as shoes and socks on the ground.
🔵Only providing a quick walk around the same block and returning to the same house they have been alone in for at least 8 hours.
🔵Not believing that anxiousness could be the reason for the hyper/grabbing/chewing/destructive behaviour.
🔵Failing to manage the environment when we do leave and believing that they have just been bad for chewing the door frame....again.

There are SO many ways to help with this behaviour and pinpointing why is a great first step.
Enrichment and mental stimulation just cannot be overlooked. Dogs need more than throwing a ball for 5 mins and then returning to the same house they have spent the last 10 hours alone in.
If dogs are bored, many WILL find ways to amuse themselves, or to soothe themselves and that can mean chewing....anything.

Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make. Everyone is free to share on social media, however off social media use of these marked graphics is prohibited. Unmarked graphics are available for $ 1.20 USD or $ 2 NZD each (approx), these are then able to be used off Facebook for client handouts, posters or for personal use.
Please visit ABC Dogs Patreon Shop for unmarked graphics. All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright.


So this means that the dominance theory has no place in dog training. Dogs are NOT trying to dominate us and we don’t need to dominate them. Clink the link to read David Mech’s explanation of how it came to be and why he debunked it.


If you haven’t seen Dr. Sofia Yins video on dominance, it’s time you see it. “Tough Love: A Meditation on Dominance and Dogs. Google it!

Last course for 2023. Starting Sat 21 October. Pop me a message for more details. 0796058474

Last course for 2023. Starting Sat 21 October. Pop me a message for more details. 0796058474


This is such a habit for us....and it really is US that needs to look at a solution to this issue.
Everyone has done this and even after clients have this pointed out to them, they will still repeat themselves (even straight after having this explained)
Why ?
Because habits can be so hard to break and when we are unaware of them they are even harder to break.
If your dog is off looking at a leaf, head down and interested in it...repeating yourself 5 times (and raising your voice and altering the tone each time) does nothing but frustrate you....and create a habit.
It is a bad habit.
We don't wait for focus before asking.
We repeat their names over and over and get grumpier each time we say their name.
Even when you have focus repeating a cue "sit...sit...sit...SIT...SIT" is habit and pattern forming. Some dogs are so clever they will wait until you repeat "sit" five times.
We expect "immediate" results when a dog may not actually know what you want or has never done as you ask with heavy distractions outside.

The best thing you can do is SHOW your dog what the cue means again.
Give them time to process what you have asked....you will be surprised if you stop, say it once and wait 3 - 4 seconds they may just show you exactly what you wanted.
Processing time IS important and as a society we expect instant results from everything in life, including our dogs.
Take a step back (especially if it is more miss than hit when you ask).
Gradually increase environments, use rewards, use praise and when your dog has done well listening in the trickier times....that is especially praise worthy.

Everyone is free to share these posts on social media, however off social media use is protected.
Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make . All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright. Unmarked graphics are available for $ 1.20 USD or $ 2 NZD each (approx), these are then able to be used off Facebook for client handouts, posters etc. Please visit ABC Dogs Patreon Shop for Graphics

This is so exciting. I've signed up, you should to

This is so exciting. I've signed up, you should to

Created by independent experts


Why should you consider teaching an emergency stop moving cue? Because sometimes we need to ask a dog to stop moving. I like to encourage people to have a few cues that ultimately achieve the same goal, but that we can ask for in different circumstances to ensure success. The emergency whoa, is one of those cues that often functions like a recall, or an engagement cue, but that we can use to help prevent our dogs from continuing forward in motion when necessary. Plus for most people the word is not part of their every day vocabulary, ensuring it does not lose meaning by virtue of being part of most lexicons. (Horse people, aside.)


Flooding....everyone has done this at some stage.
The big difference is it can be deliberate and intentional or completely unintentional.

Even with the very best of intentions.... suddenly the environment has changed.
Your dog is now faced with the very same stimuli they are afraid of and at an amount they may never have encountered before.....that is one example of flooding...unintentional flooding and it is vastly different to intentional flooding which forces dogs to comply.
......which leads me to a topic that seems to be everywhere on social media.

Deliberately flooding dogs.....
However much that "compliance" looks like a success the fallout and emotional damage can be lifelong.

Watching videos of trainers with dogs scared out of their minds suddenly and "miraculously" change and "obey" when systematically and deliberately flooded is one of the worst things out there on social media.

So beware of the quick fixes, the flooding techniques and the "amazing" one minute videos......

It is abuse.

One minute videos cut and slickly produced give the impression that in just a few minutes you can change an aggressive, scared, or reactive dog forever...........
.....and yes your dog will be "changed".

The change you may get though will be everything you never EVER wanted.

Everyone is free to share these posts on social media, however off social media use is protected.
Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make . All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright. Unmarked graphics are available for $ 1.20 or $ 2 NZD each (approx), these are then able to be used off Facebook for client handouts, posters etc. Please visit ABC Dogs Patreon Shop for Graphics

Huge shout out to Debbie from Hills pet nutrition for another wonderful talk today. Puzzle day is always my favorite and...

Huge shout out to Debbie from Hills pet nutrition for another wonderful talk today. Puzzle day is always my favorite and what better way to play then with Hills food.

Please make sure your puppies and dogs Rabies vaccinations are up to date.

Please make sure your puppies and dogs Rabies vaccinations are up to date.

𝐑𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐞𝐬! 𝐕𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐔𝐩 𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞?👀

Today we had our first confirmed 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 case of rabies! Please ensure your furbaby's vaccines are all up to date!👏


We can help our dogs cope in our world by providing predictable patterns that they can follow, even when the unpredictable happens.

This requires consistency and repetition, but dogs quickly learn what to do when that behaviour creates a predictable, rewarding result.

Predictability allows the brain to conserve energy which lowers anxiety and creates a sense of trust and security in knowing what to expect or what comes next.

Like other animals, people included, dogs are experts at looking for and finding patterns.

Being able to find a predictable pattern, not just in an environment but in the behaviour of others, helps to make sense of a situation, rather than feeling confused or anxious when no pattern can be found.

When we create predictable patterns, dogs begin to understand what happens and how they should respond when a specific situation occurs.

The situation becomes the cue for the behaviour rather than the cue itself. We often get caught up in using cues instead of just showing our dogs that this is what they should do in this situation.

Pattern games or training a behaviour by using patterns is a really effective tool to use with dogs that are reactive, anxious, fearful or lack confidence.

They’re simple and quick to teach and provide predictability when a situation may be unpredictable.

To find out more about Leslie McDevitt’s different pattern games from the Controlled Unleashed ™ program, have a look at Tanzi Leary’s (CDBC, CPDT-KA, PMCT1, SAPT, FFCP) website - https://www.dogcrazylady.com/post/pattern-games


Hot topic:

Why positive reinforcement might not always work for you:

A lot people have said, I have tried that method before, but it didn't work for me.

Positive reinforcement works for everyone and all species. But there is a trick to it and the infographic below can help you figure out why that method didn't work for you in the past.

P.S Make sure your dog has also passed a thorough health test and pain check to rule out any health condition, which can be the reason behaviour modification or training isn't working too well.

New round of puppy classes starting on Sat, 2 Sept. Contact Rachel 0796058474 for more details

New round of puppy classes starting on Sat, 2 Sept. Contact Rachel 0796058474 for more details

Have you got a new puppy? Wanting to build a great bond and have some fun at the same time? New round of classes startin...

Have you got a new puppy? Wanting to build a great bond and have some fun at the same time? New round of classes starting on Sat 3 June at 1pm, at Dargle Dale Kennels in Merrivale. Please pop me a message for more info. 0796058474

Sweet Duma wasn't phased by Toby the pony during training. He acknowledged the new creature, then returned his focus bac...

Sweet Duma wasn't phased by Toby the pony during training. He acknowledged the new creature, then returned his focus back to dad.

I have shared my love of puzzles many times. Many of you have had a chance to play with them in class. The Nina Ottosson...

I have shared my love of puzzles many times. Many of you have had a chance to play with them in class. The Nina Ottosson range is the absolute best. Available from Www.ckpets.co.za


This sweet boy is Brucie, he was rehomed with a long standing client of mine, terrified of his lead and harness. Through slow, consistent work, look at what we finally achieved. Mary, you have worked so hard with Brucie and I'm really proud of both of you.

Puppy problems? Needing some guidance? I New course starting Sat 6 May at 2 pm. Contact Rachel 0796058474

Puppy problems? Needing some guidance? I New course starting Sat 6 May at 2 pm. Contact Rachel 0796058474


Get your coupon now

Please steer clear of laser lights.

Please steer clear of laser lights.


Share this far and wide, the more people that know, the better it is for dogs.

As great as your intentions may be, getting your dog to chase a laser light can be extremely detrimental to their mental health. I have seen a few people recommend this activity for highly strung dogs to get rid of their energy, but it could do just the opposite.

Chasing a laser light is a very high arousal activity for dogs to partake in, and what makes it a very frustrating activity for them is that they're never able to catch the laser light. They never get a relief from this activity but only have their frustration build up. Because of this, it can actually start to cause canine compulsive disorder or CCD. The laser light can then transfer to light reflections and shadows and I have known dogs to break windows and doors to get to them, in the process also injuring themselves badly. CCD requires a lengthy behavioural modification process and often times medication to help calm down their brain and balance their neurochemicals if it is that severe.
Because this is also such an arousing game for them to play, it also makes their cortisol levels higher. If this activity is done too often, they could end up with chronically high levels of cortisol which makes them more prone to reactivity, frustration based behaviours and the inability to calm down.

Physically, the very fast running and fast changing of direction is not great for the average dog. It puts a severe amount of stress on their joints which makes them a lot more prone to injuries such as ripping a toe nail and tearing an ACL.

So, if you are currently playing with laser lights, here are some activities you can do instead, that are fantastic for your dogs mental well being and will tire them out:
-Trick Training
-Hide and Seek
-Enrichment with their meal times
-Scent Work
-Tug of war
-Flirt Poles (not overdoing it)


Why use reward-based training? The short answer is it works. But there's more. Using a training method that is rooted in rewarding what you like fosters a relationship built on trust.


This is by FAR one piece of advice that can help everything.

There is one thing that ALL good trainers have in common.
We are TOTALLY aware of EVERYTHING around us.

We may be helping the dog in front of us but we are TOTALLY aware of what is behind us, around us, the sounds, the movement....the possible and probable.
The environment and what is around can both positively or negatively affect your dog....immensely.

Windy day ?
Your dog was aware of the 20 dogs on your street...now it is aware of 100 in the area and cannot pin point their distance as well as before. This can make some dogs on edge. The information is distracting.
Most trainers dislike wind.

Car parked ?
There could be a cat under it, a dog about to be let out of the back seat or boot area. Is there a driver in the front about to drive off....is it likely to be a very noisy car ?

Children in a front yard playing ?
Are they about to run out the gate ? Does one have a scooter about to leave ? Are they quiet or are they excited ?

Dog behind a gate ?
Is it older ? Is it there to alert its humans ? Is the gate secure or is there a section of the fence it could easily jump?

Dog on lead being walked ?
Is the walker aware of their own dogs behaviour ? Is the dog straining on the lead (this can lead to a reaction for some dogs). Is this dog giving yours a heavy stare or just a glance ?

At a local field....
Is there another dog or more than one ? Is someone throwing a ball nearby and oblivious to how close it can get to your dog. Is a dog off lead running and in a hyper excited state ?
Is one dog barking incessantly ?

So....how on earth can this help your dog ?

Awareness, awareness of environment, possible issues and most importantly how your dog reacts.
Many times I am told behaviour has come "out of the blue".
In the vast majority of cases it hasn't come out of the blue......all signs were already there.
Just not picked up on.

If you can tune into the environment and watch your dog you WILL learn valuable information.

Is the wind too much ? Does it negatively impact your walk every time it is windy ?
That is information you can use. Walk when it is calmer.

Is your dog ball obsessed ? The dogs at the field have a ball 30 metres away from you.....is that why your dog has changed their behaviour ?

Does your dog suddenly dislike large white dogs ? Are you aware that the dog that barks the most on your walk is the large white dog on the corner by your house....the same corner where loud cars speed past ?

This takes a while to perfect but you can absolutely start to tune in more by stopping a few times on your walk and listening to the environment around you.
That is a great start.
Can you hear that loud motorcycle down the block heading your way?.....you can now prepare your dog that doesn't like motorbikes (with focus on you, encouraging sniffing to relax or pull out a treat/toy to focus on or sniff out).

Did a mower just start a few doors in front of you ? Cross the road and encourage calmness and reward looking at the mower from a distance instead of forcing your dog to walk right past the object it dislikes.

All of this helps you make better decisions, but much more than that you will begin to see and hear things that affect your dog that you would have never noticed before.
You will KNOW that your dogs tail is bristling because you are coming up a parked car that a cat has just ran under, you can cross the road to avoid an issue......or get focus on you as you pass.
You will KNOW that the hesitancy in walking past a certain house is because there is a dog on their path that stares heavily at yours...again you can help your dog through that now you are aware.......BEFORE an issues occurs.

So give it a go.
Start to listen.
Start to look for possible issues rather than be forced to be reactive.

I promise you it will change everything.


Farm 2a, D292

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday 08:00 - 15:00





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