We come from humble beginnings. We became more and more involved in helping abandoned, abused, and neglected dogs. At our sanctuary, we offer previously abandoned and abused dogs, a second chance on life in a loving, caring home. Life is what we offer them, and we will never take these rights away
Our mission is to give these extraordinary dogs a chance at a happy life and enough space to run, pla
y, and explore freely. A kennel free environment, all the dogs sleep where they choose to sleep whether on the bed with us or on a couch. Food and water are available 24/7 every single day of the year. Once a day, they receive a home-cooked meal of rice, veggies, and meat. We are a pro-life sanctuary and do not break up a family (if 2 or 3 dogs need to be rehomed together, we take them all). Whether they are Golden oldies, blind, deaf, paralyzed, epileptic, covered in mange….we care for them all. Where needed, we nurse and rehabilitate these broken souls back to life. Often the dogs that come to us have suffered incredible cruelty, their spirits have been broken. At times they will cower in fear, bodies trembling. We do whatever it takes to give the dogs back their dignity, whether it be with hugs, kisses, cuddles, and a lot of patience. Failure is not an option, we do not simply give up on an animal. Our promise to these animals is that they will never go hungry again, they will never be abused and they will always have a warm bed to sleep on, and all the love they so rightly deserve. The abandoned are happy again, and their roads are paved with love, care, and food at our sanctuary.. When we are excitedly greeted by wagging tails, lolling tongues,…..this is when we know that all the tears, the struggles, the battles were all worth it at the end of the day.