Stanford crew with petsitter #Bianca
Saying goodbye sucks big time 😭
I fell in 💕 with this crew that I have only known for a week but each one of them got a special place in my heart
#Paco, big brother of the pack and really my ultimate favourite
#Eldee official alpha male of 10yrs
#Rosy, alpha female
#Bambi Rosy's sidekick
#Mecha tomboy and brave girl
#Angel smallest girl in the pack and farm border fences don't scare her, she goes where she wants to, when she wants to
#Rocky puppy but oh boy, attitude!!
#Tiger that joins the pack on walks
#Tarzan that's a black shadow, now you see me, now you don't
And the gorgeous #Gracie, fluffy kitty baby but so anxious and kept mostly to her chair in the upstairs room where she feels safe and loves her daily brush
Kieterkatjies #Barkley #Gigi en #Peanut
And THIS is how #Otis likes to have his treats 🥰
He's got a special routine for this....
Paw...? Thank you Otis
Paw...? Thank you Otis
Lie down...? Thank you Otis
And the last is the BEST
Turn Around...?
WOW!! 😮🤭👏 What a clever boy!
#Barkley #Gigi en #Peanut vanoggend saam met petsitter #Dewald
Mates forever....die spannetjie is so lief vir hul petsitter #Marie
#Noenoe #Maria #Lukas #Josef en #Sokkies word toegegooi met liefde en tuinspeletjies en stappies, ek dink hulle mis nie eers vir mamma en pappa nie 😂
By die 5 Windhonde span Gaan dit GOED en daar word SO BAIE liefies uitgedeel! Petsitter #Philippa staan in wanneer petsitter #Quinten gou n draai moet maak erens anders en almal kry soveel liefies! Veral die kleine #Ziggy is die grootste flirtgat
#Milan hou sy afstand van die girls af maar naby genoeg om n oog te hou
#Phoebe en #Luna en #Hayley baklei ook vir n beurt vir soentjies en aandag
Petsitter #Bianca and her crew of 6 in Stanford
#Ben #Jada #Eldee #Soohie #Ruby and #Axel 😸😸😸🐶🐶🐶
No music ....I just post this update au natural
There's no song that can go with THIS craziness 😂
HakunaMatata - no worries 😂
Petsitter #Bianca checked in this morning at old time favourites #Ben #Jada #Eldee (dogs) and #Sophie #Ruby and #Axel (cats)
Watch this space for their special moments 🐾 the next few days
By die #Greyhound / #whippet crew Gaan dit goed, almal het n heerlike daggie gehad saam net petsitter #Quinten en tummyrubs, natneus soentjies en luddles was in oorvloed uitgedeel
#Milan #Hayley #Phoebe #Luna en #Ziggy
We will do some #infobits on cat fur colours soon
The #PearlyCatCrew represents the #Calico (#Gigi) the #Ginger/orange (#Varkley) and #Tortie (#Peanut) and are all happy and content