The Triumphant Animal Welfare Fund (TAWF) are an NPO who are a privately owned and family run animal sanctuary based in Pinetown, Kwa-Zulu Natal, dedicated to the assisting, rescuing, rehabilitating, protecting and re-homing of animals in need. TAWF is a Non-Profit Organization committed to helping the helpless and being 'The Voice for The Voiceless!', furthermore, we are a NO-KILL Sanctuary, with
a firm belief that everyone deserves a chance, and EVERY Life Matters. All the residents at TAWF are given the best love, care and attention possible. We are constantly striving to better their environment making it an Animal Paradise for them. Some of our residents have come from the most horrific backgrounds, and yet are some of the most lovable, affectionate little souls you’ll ever meet. We are also assisting in projects where and when we can as well as food and vet assistance to township animals. We as humanity have a duty, a responsibility to these animals, as their guardians, their protectors, Their Voice.
🐶❤🐱 (NPO 2014/275323/08) (PBO 930076585)
Please note that only prior arrangements for volunteering and visiting are allowed to enter our premises, due to safeguarding and crime prevention. DONATIONS -
We would love to receive donations from you, please let us know and we may even be able to make an arrangement to collect physical items. THANK YOU for the support and love!