Fidelpaws is a mobile Pet Grooming Parlour that takes care of your pet while grooming.
Does your pet suffer from skin irritation after bath?
Does your pet suffer from from chronic illness that when carelessly groomed can make matters worse? eg
.hips problems
.ear infection
.back problem
.spine injuries
.skin allergies
Are you a pet owner who is not satisfied with your current grooming service?
Then you need to give fidelpaws a try and see if we can bring back that smile again 😊
Does your pet hate being groomed, blow dried, nails being clipped?
(Thats perfect! It is exactly what we are looking for at fidelpaws!)
Our interest is in difficult pets to be groomed so that we get an opportunity to modify their behavoiur and reward the positive one!
Fidelpaws is not only worried about how to get that breed-cut perfectly but more importantly we are worried about how to create an environment that grooming procedures becomes both pleasant and fun for the pet, the groomer and the owner in general.
Fidelpaws is a mobile grooming parlour owned by pet owners, the small companion animal and the groomer.
Fidel Paws Mobile Grooming Parlour invites to book your pet via whatsapp on 0645036525 and enjoy the good quality grooming services at reasonable rates.