Tangerine Tigers available.
Tangerine Tigers are one of those aquarium shrimp that are fantastic to look at and rather easy to keep as well. They are a brilliant orange colour with thin black stripes.
For how amazing they look, they are surprisingly tolerable to most tank conditions. Although, we have found that the Tangerine tigers do better at a Ph lower than 7.
They are very active creatures as they love to scavenge the tank, cleaning up waste wherever they go. They also love to feed off of naturally occurring biofilm and algae, especially in a planted tank.
Tangerine Tiger's are a great addition to any shrimp hobbyist’s aquarium, whether long-established or just beginning. Take care with fish tank mates as your shrimp may become their new favourite food ;). As a rule of thumb if the shrimp can fit in the fish's mouth it's not a good cohabitant.
If you want to enjoy an active shrimp that is gaining popularity, the Tangerine Tiger Shrimp is now available on https://www.mytanklife.com/shop/invertebrates/shrimps/cardinia/tangerine-tigers-caradina/