Spandeer kwaliteit tyd saam met jou geliefdes, gaan loer by Wollies Animal Shelter in en neem sommer ‘n vierbeenkind aan terwyl jy daar is!🐈
Die liefde tussen troeteldiereienaars en hul troeteldiere is onmiskenbaar. Studies het getoon dat troeteldiere goed is vir hul eienaars se fisiese en emosionele welstand. Hierdie studies het ook bevind dat honde-eienaars geneig is om gelukkiger mense te wees en sommige studies het selfs bevind dat honde-eienaars geneig is om ‘n beter selfbeeld te hê as mense wat nie honde het nie.🐕🦺
Gee jou geluk en selfbeeld dadelik ‘n hupstoot en neem sommer vandag nog ‘n vierbeenkind aan! 🐾
Jy kan kos by Wollies Animal Shelter laat aflewer deur Takealot, Checkers Sixty60 en as jy kos vir Wollies aankoop deur Montego kry jy ekstra afslag!
Indien jy nie in Pretoria woon nie kan jy steeds ‘n verskil maak deur om ‘n donasie in Wollies se rekening in te betaal: 💸
Wollies Project NPO
FNB Kolonnade
Rekening Nommer: 620 696 74 292
Takkode: 251 037
Verwysing: Donasie
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Milo and Violet are still waiting for their forever home. They are two very loving dogs and love to cuddle and give kisses.
Pretoria North
083 534 5051
061 605 0002
Boesman is doing very well in his new home. Thank you so much Bonita Dixon and family.❤️
This is the amount of blankets we wash at Wollies, (when it is nice and sunny days) every second or third day of the week.
Will post more videos.
That is why we struggle with dry blankets at the moment because it has been raining for a few days.
Wollies Animal Shelter
Pretoria North
079 916 4602 Angelique
We are incredibly grateful for the rain, especially for the animals.
Unfortunately, the lovely rain has left Wollies in need, and we urgently require old blankets or anything we can use for the animals in the kennels (blankets, towels, old linens, etc.). We just can't seem to get the piles of blankets dry. I understand that some people may offer to wash them at home—thank you, but unfortunately, they are so full of sand that it could damage your own washing machines.
If you can help with blankets or similar items, please give us a call, and if we need to provide drop-off points, Angelique and Isabel will share that information.
Thank you very much for your support of the animals and Wollies Animal Shelter.
079 916 4602 Angelique
063 103 9714 Isabel.
Wollies Animal Shelter
Pretoria North
Verlore asb ons hondjie (female) het uitgekom in Eloff straat, Eloffsdal. Moot. 065 864 3490☎️
Violet and Milo.
Adopt at Wollies Animal Shelter.
They are two beautiful and loving dogs. They are a bonded pair and would love a home and family of their own.
Thank you Yvonne and Suzette (two of our wonderful volunteers) for spending some time with them and playing with them.❤️
083 259 0077 Frieda (whatsapp)