🔍 Mystery Solved: Rope Knot Causes Colic in Donkey 🫏
This donkey presented with intermittent colic and severe abdominal distention over several days. Despite partial response to medical management, symptoms recurred whenever food was reintroduced. Due to the donkey’s small size, a re**al examination was not possible, leading our team to perform an exploratory laparotomy.
📸 In this photo series:
1️⃣ The surgical team performing the exploratory laparotomy.
2️⃣ A hard mass discovered in the lumen of the small colon.
3️⃣ The culprit—a knot of rope—removed via enterotomy.
This unusual foreign body was causing a blockage, leading to the recurring colic episodes. The rest of the abdominal exploration was unremarkable, and the donkey recovered well from anesthesia.
He is now recuperating in hospital under the watchful care of our medicine team, and we are hopeful for a full recovery! 💙