Available here at Pretoria North Animal Clinic 🐾
MSD South Africa
Repost for World Diabetes Day 💙
It's the most wonderful time of the year 🎄🐾
Be sure to book your spot in time for our 12 Days of Christmas promotions 🎉
Some of the days have limited space available - be sure not to miss out 🐾 (strictly by appointment)
May your days be merry and bright 🎅
Contact 012 565 5485 to book your spot 🥳
November is Diabetes Month 🐾🥰
12 Days Only ! 💥
Get 15% off when you buy any NexGard , Nexgard Spectra or Frontline Plus 🎉
Only from 24 October 2024 - 6 November 2024 🥳
Remeber if you buy two Nexgard , or Nexgard Spectra you can enter to stand a chance to win a photoshoot 📷
#petphotoshoot #furbabylove #ShopAndWin #petparents
October is Adopt a Shelter dog Month 🐶
We will be sharing reasons why to adopt a shelter sog 🐾
7. You adopt a pet who has received good care.
All animals that come to the shelter are admitted by experienced staff. They are given vaccinations upon arrival and go through a behavior screening process.
1 STOP Animal Rescue Mandi Luther
October is Adopt a Shelter dog Month 🐶
We will be sharing reasons why to adopt a shelter sog 🐾
4. You take advantage of adopting an adult animal.
Adult pets are great! Often they are already housetrained and some can even “sit” or “stay.” You won’t have to deal with the “puppy phase” or the “kitten phase” which means less of that youthful energy such as biting, chewing, clawing, etc. You will be able to see the personality of the adult animal and won’t have to wait to see what you get.
5. You get a lifetime resource with shelter employees and volunteers.
People who work at the shelter will be a great resource to help you find information or resources for your pet. Our staff members work with animals every day and have a wealth of information on many different issues.
1 STOP Animal Rescue Mandi Luther
October is Adopt a Shelter Dog month. 🐶
We will be sharing some reasons why to adopt a shelter dog 🐾
1. You save a life.
All animals at the shelter are in need of a second chance. They have been lost, given up or abandoned. They are all unwanted and helpless. You are giving them a new life in a loving home
2. You help break the cycle of pet overpopulation.
There are not enough homes for all the animals that are born every year. Adopting from a shelter helps weaken the pet overpopulation cycle. Each year 8 to 12 million dogs, cats, puppies and kittens are euthanized because there are simply not enough homes for them.
1 STOP Animal Rescue Mandi Luther
076 207 3640
Pyometra is a serious and life-threatening infection in the uterus 🐾
Fleas took a very short "winter-break" this year. ☃️
Protect your pets against fleas as they can cause intense irritation in healthy dogs ,flea-bite allergies in sensitised dogs and are the intermediate hosts of the larval stage of tapeworm.🪱
Ticks can cause Biliary , also known as "tick bite fever" or "babesia". This disease affects the red blood cells of dogs. Ticks transmits tiny infections parasites into the dog's bloodstream where these parasites multiply in the red blood cells. More and more blood cells are invaded and eventually destroyed, resulting in anaemia. 🪲
Source - Elanco
You can protect your pets by using any of the following :
Bravecto Chew , Bravecto Spot-On , Nexgard , Nexgard Spectra , Simparica , Simparica Trio , Frontline Plus Spot-On , Broadline Top-Spot for cats , Advocate Spot-On , Revolution Spot-On , Advantix , Firpotec 🐶🐱
Prevention is better than a cure 🐾🐾