As our first show is fast approaching, just a reminder to riders, trainers and parents on the warmup arena etiquette
• Everyone has equal right in the warm-up arena, beginners to advanced. If you are coaching/instructing, please do so from the outside of the arena in a friendly and educational way to keep things safe and stress free.
• Check your girth and stirrups before going into the Warmup Arena.
• Pass left shoulder to left shoulder (a horse on the left-rein on the track has right of way).
• Be aware of your fellow riders and ride considerately, if you see a fellow rider battling with their horse try and avoid them.
• If using your voice, please avoid screaming or swearing.
• Try not to stop suddenly and don't deliberately cut across someone else's path.
• When entering the warm-up arena, make sure you do not get in the way of approaching riders.
• Don't obstruct the entrance/exit, or the track.
• If you are not warming up, please do not stand around inside the warmup arena blocking the flow for riders that are warming up, find a spot to stand outside the arena preferable in the shade.
• Do not allow your horses to be held in the warmup arena by staff or family members/friends, they must be held between classes outside of the warmup arena preferably in a shady spot.
• Excessive use of the whip in the warm-up is not allowed. Use of the whip from an assistant on the ground is not allowed.
• Lunging should be done in the lunge ring and not in the warm-up arena.
• Don't gallop past riders in the arena OR ANYWHERE ON THE GROUNDS.
• A RED RIBBON IN A HORSE'S TAIL MEANS IT KICKS, please give all horses whether they have a ribbon or not ample room to get around the warmup.
• YELLOW DISC ON THE BRIDLE AND A YELLOW RIBBON IN A HORSES TAIL MEANS THE HORSE IS A STALLION. Please keep a distance away. Stallions that misbehave should not be in the warm-up arena with other horses.
• A slower moving horse (walking) keeps to the INSIDE track.
• When walking or halting, do so 5m off the track to keep the track clear for faster moving horses (e.g. cantering horses).
• A horse doing lateral work has right of way (shoulder-in, leg-yield, half-pass).
• Give riders ample room when passing them so they don't get pushed up against the railings of the arena, whether passing from behind or in front.
• When passing, make sure your whip does not inadvertently touch the other horse.
• Instructors and helpers are usually on the side of the arena for dressage warmups.
• A slower moving horse (walking) keeps to the OUTSIDE track.
• If you are changing rein, always check there is no one approaching the jumps.
• A horse jumping keeps to the inside track for practicality so that it does not have to cross the line of a horse that is schooling on the outside track.
• Remember to keep the red flag of the jump on your right-hand side when jumping.
• Never jump with a dressage whip in your hand.
• If there is high traffic in the arena, be vocal (not shouting) and call out the jump you are approaching, “cross” “upright” or “oxer”.
• If a rider falls off or a horse gets loose, all riders in the arena must immediately halt and are also advised to dismount until the loose horse is caught. A loose horse very quickly creates havoc amongst other horses.
• Try your best to stay calm and focus on controlling your own horse. If a rider looks to be injured, alert a paramedic (who is always on standby at a show) for medical attention. For Show Jumping, if there is a fall of rider, the rider must first be checked and cleared by a paramedic before getting back on.