Here are eight tips, based on the 3Fs (Forage, Friends and Freedom), to give your pony a happy and healthy life:
1. Give him time with his pony pals – Ponies are herd animals and feel safest when they have company. If your pony is in a separate paddock, make sure he can still see and interact with other ponies over the fence. And remember, ponies don’t like being alone, even in the stable; try to stable him where he can see or touch his friends to help him feel more secure.
2. Notice his friends – Not all ponies get along. Keep an eye on how your pony interacts with his herd to ensure he’s not being bullied. If needed, talk to your yard manager about moving him to a different group, but remember - ponies can play rough - so don't instantly assume your pony is being bullied; he might actually be playing! Ask your yard manager what they think and then make a call!
3. Forage first - Make sure your pony has access to forage 24/7. This keeps his digestive system healthy.
4. Keep moving – Wild ponies walk up to 40km a day, which keeps them fit and healthy. While that’s not possible for domestic ponies, more turnout time, bigger paddocks, and regular in-hand or under-saddle walks can make a big difference.
5. Maximise turnout time – The more time your pony spends outside, the happier he’ll be. Being in a paddock with space to move and other ponies to interact with is great for both his mental and physical health.
6. Playtime – Ponies can get bored in the stable, so provide a slow feeder, hay ball, or safe hanging toy to keep them entertained and engaged when they can’t be outside.
7. Let him be a pony – Rolling in mud and playing with friends is natural pony behaviour. Instead of stopping him, embrace it! A muddy pony is often a happy pony.
8. Explore – Ponies love foraging and discovering new plants. Taking your pony on hand walks to let him browse different grasses and leaves is a great way to keep him stimulated.
By making small changes to your pony’s daily routine, you can create a happier, healthier, and more content equine friend!