Our NUTMEG #catonapole is still waiting for her forever home
Please contact us on βοΈ 0828113035 for adoption information and applications
Figuring out life π
#catonapole #rescuecat #sassycat
Thank you LET'S SPAY #SA
Inspector Tracey Bosman had a welfare concern recently which could greatly be solved if the dogs on the property were sterilised
Unfortunately the owner could not afford sterilization
Or transport
Both dogs recieved their sterilization with thanks to LET'S SPAY #SA and π Uber for the day Inspector Tracey made sure they arrived for their appointments at Kruin Animal Clinic
Our own Woodlands Boulevard Ferals had a weekend visitor this past weekend
A Tiny Tot
Our WOODLANDS FERALS stations have remained stable with no new unsterilised stays or kittens born in our colonies
Its unsure where this little guy came from, but we are greatful to Mr Andre & Lynette Joubert for finding him, keeping him safe and taking him to Olympus 24 hour Animal Hospital & Specialist Referral Center for immediate vetchecks and vaccinations
Thank you Unita Du Plessis Hanekom π for 06:00am Uber collection and transferring our kitten to Glen Veterinary Clinic, where you were so cute you don't even make it to the adoption pages π
Our kitten had this most elaborate rescue story I was going to write (because I can be elaborate π) but first he needed time to "give him a few days to decompress and to make sure he's 100% healthy before I advertise" Meagan said π
But then she rehomed him
It's okay
I'm sure I'll find more kittens π
This breed incites so many disagreements
Even people who agree with each other will argue about behavior, temperament and socialization
'How to'
- Live with a high risk breed
- Raise a dangerous breed
- Socialize
- Adoption
The variables of 'How to' will change in a conversation with people who absolutely know what they talking about when it comes to this breed. Even they will disagree.
Imagine when these dogs are owned by people who know nothing and do it all wrong
And when the dog bites it becomes a dog problem instead of a people problem.
I can offer no education this breed
I have no experience on this breed
I wish there was a world where they could be treated with respect, love and care
I wish they each have home where they are safe
I looked at the dog lying on lawn in front of the home I stop at to trade minis
And I thought, I'm glad you not my problem
After our trade of minis concluded i offered reduced rates for a sterilization π of course
I have no welfare concerns regarding the dog
It's a lovely home
A month on and I'm still trading minis when I stop at the same home
During our conversation the arrangements for the upcoming steri is discussed and I learn the puppies are already 6 weeks old
I didn't panic
I trade a free sterilization for free puppies
(phone a friend) "I need to trade your 3 red trolleys"
(phone a friend) "I need you to collect 5 puppies, it's close to you, iv already checked, Menlo/Hatfield, you can do a after work trip"
I didn't panic
I can not rehome these puppies
I will not surrender them to any organization or person who does not have experience with the breed.
Or any person/organization that keeps puppies in overcrowded fosterhomes and don't have funds for veterinary care where the puppies become the bank account and Facebook becomes the money train with constant begging "for rescue puppies"
These aren't rescue puppies
They weren't rescued
They were surrendered by a very caring family that imm
My momma was a Pug
My poppa was a Scottish lad
Ooo. I didn't tell you
There is 3 π
Do NOT message me for adoption π
Yes. The Momma Pug will be sterilised β
Dunno if the next door Scottie lad owners will agree to a sterilization - we will ask. π€
πΆ It is what it is
They had a home
They had a owner
And a mom dog
Their owner lost his home/business in the fires last week.
Their mom dog lost her life. The pups escaped with minor burns.
Thank you Dalene Joubert, with the support of the Bashewa/Tierpoort community the owner will rebuild his business and home.
In time
But for now being homeless with pets are a difficult situation for most fire victims
We are unsure if the ROAD WAILERS can/will be returned to their owner. He has signed and agreed to surrender them in their best interest
They are scared and traumatized
They need socializing
They need good food
I wish I could know that they will have a new home one day
Or be returned to their old home
For now
The ROAD WAILERS are in a fosterhome.
Thank you Zella Vercuil π€
The ROAD WAILERS have good food
Me phoned Zella, "Zella I got food, it's okay keep the ROAD WAILERS"
Thank you Q & A Auto Repairs
It's okay
They have time, they have a fosterhome and they have good food.
It's all they need for now
A dog is not a security option
Its raining where I am tonight
And I wonder about the people I met today
Today our inspector went on a wellness assignment.
The ground was drenched in sewage.
The waste water making it impossible to drive into the camp. You have to walk, navigate to find dry ground.
People live there
Some in house buildings, broken down and put back together.
Some in make do homes, scraps of metal, wood, junk.
Its home
Some dont have homes. They live in tents. The tents were wet this morning. It must be soaked by now ......
Some dont have anywhere to stay tonight. He just got out of jail. Someone said he can move into the tents for tonight, untill he finds a place to stay, somewhere to sleep. He wants to know what became of his dog and cat when he went to jail.
He says he must find a job.
Work is standing at the robot.
They says it's been quite lately
Iv done this before
Seen this before
This is worse
It takes alot to look past the neglect of the people
I don't want to say self inflicted
But I can not see how else it happened
'Do not judge, or you to will be judged.....' I don't remember the rest of the words.
Will I be judged because I care not about the people?
Will I be judged because I feel anger against people who have nothing? NOTHING. And I don't want to give them anything for the fact that I know they will sell it to buy drugs/alchohol
Who will judge them for their neglect against the animals in their care?
The law does not
Education does not
So I walk away
And judge not
In the hope that I will not be judged
1 kitten was voluntarily surrendered
1 dog was collected for sterilization
2 dogs were negotiated for future surrender
Thank you Pawesome Wacky Whiskers Rescue and Rehoming