Hi there Margaret and Natureza, just an update on our little warrior Pearl. We have had a rough few months, Pearl developed a cancer sore above her right eye. Multiple vet visits and we couldn't heal it or keep it under control and so it spread rapidly, compromising her right eye.
The vet advised that removing her eye and cutting away the cancer area was the only option left.
A very difficult decision given her age.... she is now around 15/16 and her FIV+ status.
Her blood tests all came back good. The vet assured me he would use gas to perform the op... and so with bated breath I gave the go ahead.
The day of the op arrived ...... I was an absolute bag of nerves.....and sat anxiously waiting for the after op phone call......what a relief...... my very strong and amazing girl pulled through!!!
Her wound has healed very well and she is managing with 1 eye.
The op has definitely taken its toll....she has slowed down and sleeps most of the day..... but she still gives me purrs.....and she is still my Pearlie girlie.
In hind sight I am happy that we went ahead with the op..... she would have suffered more leaving the cancer sore to spread.
We take each day as it comes, and I'm so thankful for every day we have left with this amazingly brave and precious little girl