UPDATE: we have been given until the middle of April to find a home. It has been confirmed they are leaving in the 19 APRIL! We still desperately need a foster ASAP!
Bella (female) and Ceasar (male) are 14 year old Jack Russell Terrier's that are extremely bonded and need to be adopted together.
Do you have a space in your heart and home for two precious seniors looking for a retirement home?
Ceasar is a very loving boy who always wants to be near you. He thrives on love, attention and affection. He is a very obedient boy who, even at his age, still has energy and enjoys playing. He is friendly around children and people, not so friendly around other dogs, with the exception of his mate, Bella. He really enjoys his daily walks and gets super excited.
Bella the queen of the house. She is completely opposite to Ceasar. She is friendly with people, but does not need too much attention. She is great to take for walks. She enjoys going to the park as well. She is extremely alert, even at her age and she is protective over her humans. She loves to lay on your lap and can sleep there for hours. Bella has never had any major health problems. She loves chasing birds and cats.
These two would make any home a happier one!
Rules for adopting:
1. All our animals are an integral part of the family.
2. Strict home checks apply.
3. There will be an adoption fee which includes sterilisation, vaccinations for 2024, microchip and de-worming.
Based in PTA Fearie Glen! 📍
[email protected]