Denise House and petsitter

Denise House and petsitter My page is about Pet and Home sitting i.e. the caring of your pets by a responsible mature lady who


I have decided to close this page of mine, as in all the years I have had it, I got not a single petsitting job from it, while I have been getting a lot on my actual fb profile.

Ek woon en werk in Stilbaai as huis en diere versorger. Kontak my d m v facebook messenger of per e-pos by deane.mcl@gma...

Ek woon en werk in Stilbaai as huis en diere versorger. Kontak my d m v facebook messenger of per e-pos by [email protected]

Ready to petsit in Stilbaai. Contact via fb messenger

Ready to petsit in Stilbaai. Contact via fb messenger

I am currently living and house/petsitting in Still Bay. After this Easter weekend I shall be available to petsit here.

I am currently living and house/petsitting in Still Bay. After this Easter weekend I shall be available to petsit here.

I am currently working in the Stilbaai area.

I am currently working in the Stilbaai area.

Have just had a stint of pet-and-housesitting for 3 weeks in Cape Town area. Very rewarding. However now back to Stilbaa...

Have just had a stint of pet-and-housesitting for 3 weeks in Cape Town area. Very rewarding. However now back to Stilbaai where I will also be available as sitter.

I am currently housesitting in Milnerton. Thereafter I will be going back to Still Bay. My current dog-companion is the ...

I am currently housesitting in Milnerton. Thereafter I will be going back to Still Bay. My current dog-companion is the placid, loving Rowdy. He follows me around all day, and snores lightly beside my bed at night. Great to be here!

The strangest thing is although I do regular house/petsitting, I hve hardly ever got one through this page. Just wonderi...

The strangest thing is although I do regular house/petsitting, I hve hardly ever got one through this page. Just wondering why, maybe the readers are just too far from me.
Anyway here are a few pics of recent petsitting 5 busy but adorable dogs


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Vrye Weekblad

Vrydag 10 September 2021
Vrydag 10 September 2021


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Vir wie stem 'n mens nou eintlik in die verkiesing van 1 November, wonder Piet Croucamp. Hy meen die leierskap van die ACDP gaan weggewys word by die hemelpoorte, hy het 'n gemoed vol wrewel jeens Helen Zille, die ANC is 'n insolvente misdaadsindikaat en die VF+ is ook nie sy natuurlike politieke tuiste nie.

Die klankbaan van haar jeug is gekomponeer deur ABBA, wat skielik terug is met ’n album én ’n virtuele toer op die horison. Madeleine Barnard het haar dekades lange verbintenis met Swede se supergroep gaan ontleed.

Sedert hy die leisels van die ANC en die land oorgeneem het, het Cyril Ramaphosa sy posisie gekonsolideer. Maar die momentum van sy vroeë vordering het begin verswak en die stadige pas van hervorming, saam met die meulstene van kaderontplooiing en sukkelende staatsbeheerde ondernemings, tel teen hom, skryf Anthony Butler.

Chris Marnewick SC wil glo dat die meeste mans die dier in hulle ontgroei het sodat rede instink troef, maar wat hy in hofdokumente en die nuus lees, laat hom wonder.

Dr. Sara Andreotti is mal oor haaie en een van die wêreld se voorste navorsers oor spesifiek withaaie. 'n Vier jaar lange navorsingsprojek oor die genetiese data van Suid-Afrika se ou grotes wys dat daar nou net tussen 300 en 500 withaaie in ons gebiedswaters oor is en dat hulle boonop een groot ingeteelde familie is, vertel sy aan Anneliese Burgess.

Het pres. Cyril Ramaphosa en sy minister van justisie, Ronald Lamola, die klaarblyklik wederregtelike vryating van Jacob Zuma op mediese parool gekondoneer om die politieke “Zuma-probleem” te laat verdwyn? Dit sou 'n onvergeeflike vergryp wees wat Ramaphosa se geloofwaardigheid kwaai kan knou, skryf Max du Preez.

Die situasie in Afghanistan en in Mosambiek laat weer twee ou vrae opduik, skryf Darren Taylor. Kan 'n stryd teen 'n insurgensie ooit regtig suksesvol wees? Indien wel, hoe kan dit gemeet word?

Eerder as om tyd te mors om nog groeiplanne uit te d**k, is daar 'n paar ooglopende beperkings wat eers uit die weg geruim moet word, skryf Hugo Pienaar.

Die trauma en verlies wat met die Covid-19-pandemie gepaard gaan, strek om die aardbol. Hospitale is oorvol, mediese personeel is oorwerk en psigies gedaan. Maar dis belangrik om te onthou daar word ook daagliks vele lewens gered, skryf Schalk Schoombie.

El Salvador het danksy sy president, Nayib Bukele, die eerste land ter wêreld geword wat bitcoin as amptelike betaalmiddel aanvaar. Is dit nou maar net die soort ding wat gebeur as jy 'n hipster-president het, wonder Willem Kempen, of is dit juis sulke voor-op-die-wa-geit wat ons ook nodig het?

Suid-Afrikaanse rugby en Amerikaanse gridiron het absoluut niks gemeen nie. Tog was Naas Botha nie die laaste Suid-Afrikaanse rugbyspeler wat sy heil in die National Football League gaan soek nie, vertel Eunice Visagie.

Rol tot onder om die volledige lys artikels te sien.


>> Klik hier om op Vrye Weekblad in te teken. Die nuwe uitgawe is elke Woensdag- en Vrydagoggend om 06:00 by op jou rekenaar of selfoon of op ons app beskikbaar. (As jy enige van ons vorige uitgawes misgeloop het, kan jy hier klik om op te vang.)

Hoe lyk Cyril se telkaart?
NUUS & POLITIEK - Anthony Butler
Hoe lyk Cyril se telkaart?

Die momentum van Ramaphosa se vroeë vordering het verflou, en nuwe strategieë is nou noodsaaklik.

Dis 40 jaar later en ABBA is terug!
MENSE & KULTUUR - Madeleine Barnard
Dis 40 jaar later en ABBA is terug!

GRATIS OM TE LEES | Dis 40 jaar later en die vierstuks bederf aanhangers met ’n nuwe album én ’n wêreldtoer as ‘Abbatars’.

Om sonder ’n keuse te kies
NUUS & POLITIEK - Piet Croucamp
Om sonder ’n keuse te kies

Vir wie stem mens op 1 November? Piet Croucamp vertel van sy wrewel, deernis en ander gevoelens jeens politici.

Sara Andreotti, die ‘withaai-fluisteraar’
WETENSKAP & TEGNOLOGIE - Anneliese Burgess
Sara Andreotti, die ‘withaai-fluisteraar’

Een van die wêreld se voorste navorsers oor spesifiek withaaie vertel meer oor Suid-Afrika se ou grotes.

POLITIEKE NOTABOEK | Zuma lê op sterwe. Nee, hy is stabiel. Wat de hel, Cyril?
NUUS & POLITIEK - Max du Preez
POLITIEKE NOTABOEK | Zuma lê op sterwe. Nee, hy is stabiel. Wat de hel, Cyril?

Het die president en sy minister van justisie die klaarblyklik wederregtelike vryating van Jacob Zuma op mediese parool gekondoneer?

Ons epidemie van geweld: Vroue se liggame die buit in misdaad
MENINGS & DEBAT - Chris Marnewick
Ons epidemie van geweld: Vroue se liggame die buit in misdaad

Het die Y-chromosoom iets te doen met sommige mans se gewelddadige optrede teen vroue en selfs kinders?

BOEKBEDONNERD 26 | Kunstefees, stamselle, die spektrum, ’n Coloured vrou wat kwaad is en hemelse poësie
MENSE & KULTUUR - Deborah Steinmair
BOEKBEDONNERD 26 | Kunstefees, stamselle, die spektrum, ’n Coloured vrou wat kwaad is en hemelse poësie

Koos Kombuis en die heilige koeie, 'n onpretensieuse outobiografie en 'n feminis-millenniër se sosiale dokument.

Die populis wat ’n kriptokrasie wil skep
Die populis wat ’n kriptokrasie wil skep

Is pres. Nayib Bukele van El Salvador se besluit om bitcoin as amptelike betaalmiddel te aanvaar visioenêr of sinies en gek?

Jeremy Cronin: Staatskaping se fondamente is lank voor die Zuma-jare gelê
NUUS & POLITIEK - Anneliese Burgess
Jeremy Cronin: Staatskaping se fondamente is lank voor die Zuma-jare gelê

Anneliese Burgess gesels met die SAKP-veteraan Jeremy Cronin oor kaderontplooiing en staatskaping.

Afrika, die wêreld se volgende djihad-slagveld
NUUS & POLITIEK - Darren Taylor
Afrika, die wêreld se volgende djihad-slagveld

Kan 'n stryd teen 'n insurgensie ooit regtig suksesvol wees? Indien wel, hoe kan dit gemeet word?

KLIP IN DIE BOS | Die ideale lens van ironie
KLUBHUIS - Dan Badenhorst
KLIP IN DIE BOS | Die ideale lens van ironie

Hoekom neem ons geredelik aan dat skrywers van die Bybel nie ironie en humor gebruik het nie?

Om op te kom vir lug: drie verhale van mense wat Covid-19 oorleef het
GESONDHEID & OMGEWING - Schalk Schoombie
Om op te kom vir lug: drie verhale van mense wat Covid-19 oorleef het

Stories van oorlewing en hoop: ’n tandarts, ’n entrepreneur en ’n regsadviseur.

Takel dié probleme, dan kan SA ekonomie begin werk skep
Takel dié probleme, dan kan SA ekonomie begin werk skep

Eerder as tyd mors om nog groeiplanne uit te d**k, is daar 'n paar beperkings wat eers uit die weg geruim moet word.

R.W. Wilcocks: Die man agter die naam
MENINGS & DEBAT - Albert Grundlingh
R.W. Wilcocks: Die man agter die naam

In die gesprek rondom die US se besluit om 'n gebou na Krotoa te hernoem, is weinig gesê oor die oorspronklike naam.

Amerikaanse voetbal ’n wilde rodeo vir ons rugbyspelers
MENSE & KULTUUR - Eunice Visagie
Amerikaanse voetbal ’n wilde rodeo vir ons rugbyspelers

Twee van ons huidige blinkste rekrute in die VSA is produkte van die skool wat die meeste Springbokke opgelewer het.

Klimaat: Veld en diere ly, maar dis die mense se oë wat leeg is
GESONDHEID & OMGEWING - Annemarie van Wyk
Klimaat: Veld en diere ly, maar dis die mense se oë wat leeg is

Dis veral ons kinders wat in die steek gelaat word wanneer klimaatsverandering rampe soos droogtes meebring.

70 – en nog propvol drif
KLUBHUIS - Marietjie Delport
70 – en nog propvol drif

Niemand moet vir Marietjie Delport d**k of besluit wat is goed vir haar nie.

Bestel jou T-hemp nou!
Bestel jou T-hemp nou!

Dra jou hart op die bors met Vrye Weekblad se oulike nuwe T-hemp.

Hoe om op Vrye Weekblad in te teken
Hoe om op Vrye Weekblad in te teken

Maak seker jy loop nie 'n enkele uitgawe mis nie.

© 2019 Vrye Weekblad. Alle regte voorbehou. Vrye Weekblad® is ’n geregistreerde handelsmerk.

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Gesaghebbend. Indringend. Ingelig. Vir mense wat lees.

I have started Petsitting in Still Bay where I now live. Have had some lovely experiences and have some good referrals. ...

I have started Petsitting in Still Bay where I now live. Have had some lovely experiences and have some good referrals. These are some of the pets I cared for

The love of dogs..

The love of dogs..


Hi would you pls check whether I can change the outlay of this page? It seems rather confusing.. To share with Nicolette Pearce

These are 3 of the 5 dogs in my recent petsit in Stilbaai. They are all over me, but the 2 elderly Border Collies kept t...

These are 3 of the 5 dogs in my recent petsit in Stilbaai. They are all over me, but the 2 elderly Border Collies kept their distance

My latest petsit in Stilbaai.. 5 dogs. These three are all over on, the 2 elderly Border Collies keep their distance som...

My latest petsit in Stilbaai.. 5 dogs. These three are all over on, the 2 elderly Border Collies keep their distance somewhat. Love the Retriever

This is the beauty I have in my care now.. She is an old soul!

This is the beauty I have in my care now.. She is an old soul!

I am currently looking after two loving and special dogs, an Australian Shephard and a Swiss Shepherd. They follow me ar...

I am currently looking after two loving and special dogs, an Australian Shephard and a Swiss Shepherd. They follow me around like puppies! Will miss them when I go


I am delighted to be caring for a lovely home and two special pets in Still Bay!My advert is with the local vet, if anyone is interested.

I am currently staying in Still Bay but will be back and ready to house-and-petsit in the Greater Cape Town area, for De...

I am currently staying in Still Bay but will be back and ready to house-and-petsit in the Greater Cape Town area, for Dec and January upto 15 Jan.
I live in and do all that is necessary. I hve years of experience and referrals. See businesscard below

My own beloved Saphera a few years ago who the lost the fight against cancer of the nose. Fondly remembered!

My own beloved Saphera a few years ago who the lost the fight against cancer of the nose. Fondly remembered!


I have relocated to Still Bay, so am not currently petsitting. I could help in Still Bay but then only to go and feed, as I would not be able to live in. Contact me via fb messenger or by e-mail at [email protected]

What with lockdown an no petsitting jobs, I am missing our furry friends so much so that I am once again looking for a p...

What with lockdown an no petsitting jobs, I am missing our furry friends so much so that I am once again looking for a pet of my own... After losing my lovely white cat, Saphera to cancer in Oct 2018, I am now ready for another pet.. Either a cat who likes to be touched or a dog that follows me around. Maybe if anybody knows of a pet needing a home, let me know.

After the 18th of March I am ready and keen to house/petsit in any area!

After the 18th of March I am ready and keen to house/petsit in any area!

After a 6 week period of being out of action due to a shoulder operation, I am now fit and ready to housesit and care fo...

After a 6 week period of being out of action due to a shoulder operation, I am now fit and ready to housesit and care for pets. See my card with details below. Willing to work all over W Cape.


And so I come to the end of my 6 day stay in Doordekraal with Rimpel
l and Patat for whom I wrote the following little poem:

Rimpel and Patat

What fun to be with Rimpel and Patat
Don't even need a cat
We could actually chat
And tell one another this and that
On my lap they sat to
watch my every move
Which just goes to prove

(They are two brown sausage dogs!) This was a while ago


My current babies.. Usually in two beds and constantly changing over from large one to small one but today they are in together.. Bless their hearts!


Available for house/petsitting as from 15 September.


My new cover photo is of my own cat Shinga, who had such a personality and always found interesting containers in which to curl up.. this was an old enamel dish on my veranda. Miss that baby- now gone a few years already


Denise House and petsitter's cover photo


Due to a cancellation I now have an open slot to house/petsit as from 15 September to 30th


Well I am petsitting in a beautiful house in CT - 2 dogs and a cat. Looking at this picture you can tell who the boss is in this house!! Love the colour of the cat.. She sort of allows me to touch her... Will win her over.
I would like to share this post with my animal-loving friends like Nicolette McLoughlin, Isabel Venter, Anrie Myburgh



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00




Be the first to know and let us send you an email when Denise House and petsitter posts news and promotions. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose, and you can unsubscribe at any time.



A good day as petsitter...

I am looking after a very petite Yorkie dog and a lovable poodle.... really sweet and we have become close in the past 5 weeks. The Yorkie is a boy and rather highly-strung... and excitable especially when the doorbell rings. Yesterday when that happened she jumped up and strained her neck- let out a mighty yelp... could not see what had happened but I noticed she was not herself- so decided to take her to the vet- just to be sure- she had hurt herself and was given anti-inflammatory meds. Driving down to Seapoint she lay sweetly on the seat beside me and as I carried into the vet, I felt this is what petcare is all about . Maya the poodle is the most gentle doggie- she has those liquid brown eyes and wants to lie as close as possible to you, but oh boy! When visitors arrive she barks her head off- trusts nobody she does not know! Today I felt part of their lives!